Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Thinking Activity : Why are we so Scared of Robots/ AI

Hello Readers!

Welcome to my blog now I'm going to write about Why are we so Scared of Robots/AI. This thinking activity is given by Dr Dilip barad head of English department. 

๐Ÿ‘‰Why are we so Scared of Robots/ AI 

It is within human nature to fear the unknown. And regardless of how much debate there is around artificial intelligence, most of it still remains mysterious. The concept of AI exists since the 1950s, however, it has gained considerable ground and attention starting with 2000. Catchy headlines in well-known publications constantly make us aware of the advancements in the field and the raising concerns as well as dangers awaiting just around the corner. 

First and foremost, you’ll hear about how robots aren’t safe. While it’s true that fenced robots in manufacturing are behind said fences for a reason, that’s not to say that their collaborative counterparts are dangerous as well. While nothing is completely safe, collaborative robots are in fact built using a standard set of guidelines known as the ISO TS 15066.

๐Ÿ‘‰They are not safe

Today’s standards, combined with safety technology, has resulted in several excellent options for safety with collaborative robots:

● Power and force limiting

● Speed and separation monitoring

● Hand guiding

New safety technology continues to emerge as time goes on, quickly revealing that humans have no need to fear their safety around robots in the workplace, so long as they are well informed.

๐Ÿ‘‰They all take our Jobs

Throughout history, people have always feared technology, because they were scared it would make their jobs obsolete. Cars, the printing press, industrial technology, all of these things were met with fear in the past. Instead, technology creates new industries, new jobs, and more prosperity as a whole. With robots, the same thing is happening today. People in manufacturing are afraid their jobs will be taken, but new jobs are already being created. Whether it’s someone to program the robots, or a human to work on more intricate tasks that robots can’t perform, new roles are emerging as robots increase production and lower costs. Back-breaking jobs that humans hate can now be given to robots, thus freeing them up to do more rewarding work. There’s nothing to fear, because technology creates far more than it destroys when it comes to industries, jobs, and careers.

๐Ÿ‘‰How can we address these fears?

In some parts of the world people talk about connected homes, artificially-enhanced lives, robots that perform outstanding operations in hospitals, whereas, in other countries individuals still fight for the right to get an education. In 1956 when John McCarthy held the first workshop on artificial intelligence, there were villages in the world that did not have electricity or running water. Obviously, first thing that needs to be done is to address the inequality and inequity that exists in the world. Education is the best chance humanity has to survive.

Going back to the specific case of artificial intelligence, it is clear that most people's fears come from not clearly understanding the concept and what it implies. So, governments should invest more in raising awareness on what's happening in the field of AI. Additionally, there is a need for creating some regulation around artificial intelligence. Although it is being said the rules and laws might sometimes hinder innovation in such areas, AI could benefit greatly from regulation. And it would help keep track of every way that the technology is being used. Even though there have already been a lot of breakthroughs, artificial intelligence is still at the beginning, and we all have the possibility to contribute to its development. By pointing out how we don't want it to be, we can together shape the AI era.

๐Ÿ‘‰ IMom-Mom Robot 

This short movie is an award winning work where a futuristic concept of robot nanny is shown, taking care of kids and how parents find the robot nanny a huge help. We might just lose our human touch, that human connection. It scares us, giving so much power to machines, the very Artificial Intelligence was not enough that we have started to give emotions to the machines as well.

Frankenstein's Monster 

The monster is Victor Frankenstein’s creation, assembled from old body parts and strange chemicals, animated by a mysterious spark. He enters life eight feet tall and enormously strong but with the mind of a newborn. Because of his ugly look he was rejected by his creator and society.  Why ? Because people are afraid from the monster. Why we are afraid from monster and Robert? They are not harmful but we behave rudely with them and that's why they become dangerous. For example of Frankenstein's Monster. Monster not bad but he was repeatedly rejected and hated by people that's why he became anger and killed people. 

Thank you....

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