Tuesday, 28 April 2020

When We two parted : Poem

Hello Readers! 

Hello friends welcome to my blog. This is very interesting blog on the poem "When we two parted" written by Lord Byron. Poet express his feelings when he parted from his beloved. Let's we look this poem in detail. 


Lord Byron achieved tremendous popularity as a poet in his short life. As a poet he has written many poems like...

1. Child Harold's Pilgrimage
2. The Prisoner of chill-on
3. Don Juan
4. When we two Parted. etc....

'When we two parted' was written in 1808. This poem refers to one of poet's earlier lady loves. This poem is about the feeling of poet when they parted with each other. Let us discuss this poem in detail.

Theme of the poem

The Title of the poem 'When we two parted' itself suggests, the theme of 'Separation'. Apart from love, poet has focused on the moment when they separated with each other. In this poem poet has described his experience of life after the parted of beloved. He also shows that after the pared  of beloved his life become painful. 

It means the theme of the poem shows painful life of a person whose beloved is parted from him.

Analysis of the poem

When We Two Parted

George Gordon Byron - 1788-1824

When we two parted
   In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
   To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
   Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
   Sorrow to this.

The dew of the morning
   Sunk chill on my brow--
It felt like the warning
   Of what I feel now.
Thy vows are all broken,
   And light is thy fame;
I hear thy name spoken,
   And share in its shame.

They name thee before me,
   A knell to mine ear;
A shudder comes o'er me--
   Why wert thou so dear?
They know not I knew thee,
   Who knew thee too well--
Long, long shall I rue thee,
   Too deeply to tell.

In secret we met--
   In silence I grieve,
That thy heart could forget,
   Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
   After long years,
How should I greet thee?--
   With silence and tears.

The poem 'When we two parted' is divided into four stanza . The first stanza begins with the line...

"When we two parted
In silence the tears,
Half broken-hearted
To server for years."

The above line shows the moment from which a poet has to depart from his beloved. The word like 'tears' and 'silence' show the  sorrowful moment of life. While the word "half broken-hearted shows that the heart is broken and it is not recovered for many years. He also says that there is no charm in her cheek and kiss. Her kiss become colder and cold means it loses it's warms. It means there is no feeling of love at the time of departure.

Second stanza

In the second stanza the poet has described the feeling of soft morning. The word 'dew' shows unpleasant atmosphere of life. According to the poet....

"They vows are all broken
And light is they fame,
I hear they name spoken
And share in its shame".

It means his beloved has broken all the promise and there was no value of love for her. The poet also writes their fame become light day by day. The poet feels shame when her name is spoken.

Third stanza

In the third stanza poets writes..

"They name thee before me ,
A knell to mine ear,
..........long long shall I rue thee
Too deeply to tell".

Here, poet says that when the people took her name before me it made me trouble. It also creates vibration in his body because of sadness. Poet also says that why the people took his name with her without knowing anything. It shows the poet's pain in his heart because of his beloved.

Fourth stanza

In the fourth stanza the poet writes that he can't express his sorrow openly when they meet in secret. He also writes that he felt pain in silence but his beloved has forgotten him entirely. The poet says...

"If I should meet thee,
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears".

Here, one question aroused in poet's mind that if they should meet after long time how should he react with her? Poet himself gives the answer that he treats her with silence and tears. It shows poet's painful life after the departure of his beloved. 

Style of writing

As for style is concerned, port has used nicely all the levels. In phonological level (the level of sound) the poet has used rhyme scheme AB, AB, CD, CD in all the stanza. He has also used alliteration and rhyming words. The poet has also used the grammatical pattern like pronoun, verbs and and also many simple words. So that the reader can easily read and understand the meaning of this poem.


The poem 'When we two parted' is an autobiographical poem of Lord Byron. In this poem the poet has expressed his lamentation of  departure. He has narrated his experience of painful life after the departure with his beloved. The poet has also used phonological level, grammar and also the meaning of this poem.

Thank You!

Ghashiram Kotwal : Play

Hello Readers! 

Welcome to my blog. Now I'm sharing with you very interesting blog about the most famous Indian  play "Ghashiram Kotwal", written by Vijay Tendulkar Originally published in Marathi in the year - 1972 and then translated in English by Jaynt Karve and Eleanor Zeliot. In which we study about the character of Ghashiram. Let's  look it in detail. 


British rules in India is a strong influence on Indian society. So many changes can be observed in Indian society because of direct or indirect influence of English with passing of time a specific class of people emerged who were interested in English language. As a result a new type of literature came into existence in Indian that is Indian writing in English. This literature has mad a respectable place today in the world of literature. Some Indian English works have impressed the international readers. However Indian English drama has poor output in comparison in fiction and poetry very few Indian dramatist have produced remarkable plays; Vijay Tendulkar is one of them. He was wrote in Marathi language.  His play Ghashiram Kotwal is much appreciated play. 

The play introduces a powerful set of characters like Ghashiram Kotwal, Nana Phadnavis , Gulabi etc. But at the present we can look the character sketch of Ghashiram.

Character Sketch of Ghashiram

A character in a play is a part of general atmosphere and themes with which the playwright is concerned. He or she should not be taken out of this very distinguish. Tendulkar says; "Each oh them has his/her own separate existence and expression". 

Ghashiram has his own separate existence and expression even though he is a historical character. Vijay Tendulkar has portrayed this character sketch with some changes in this character and therefore this play is set in the historical background of Poona but it is not a historical play.

Ghashiram is a victim of fate and circumstances more than any thing else. He is apparently a native Kannoj Brahman who comes to city of Poona to try his luck and earn his livelihood. He leaves kannoj for good but gets soaked up in Poona's debased politics, corruption and evil ways.  Seemingly innocent, he is capable of evil. He seems to be emotionally imbalanced as well. It is difficult to justify his acts both before becoming the Kotwal and afterwards.

His Initial life in poona

In the beginning of the play ghashiram is an ordinary man trying to make a living allemping to get into Nana's good gresis. He appears as an ordinary servant at Bhavankhani where gulabi is his mistress(Boos) from such ordinary and lower job this Kanoji Brahmans reaches to the hire post of Kotwal. The police commission in  Poona at at the end of first act. The insult by Brahmans of Poona enrages him to take revenge and he determines to treat this people in cruel way. 

The ability to grab the opportunity

Apparently sober and naive, he is willing to take up any work including: working for a where and performing all petty works, ranging from household chores to dancing with woman so, he has the ability to grab opportunity.

Humiliated by Poona 's people

He comes in contact with Nana and finds a favor with him for his servility and ready wit, Nana pleased and offers him his necklace, which he at first refuses but accepts the second time. His problems starts from there. Gulabi, is not ready to let him walk away with the gift, which nana had given him and then ghashiram was beaten and thrown out. And later on he held responsible for the pick pocketing and his further insulted, kicked and thrown out by soldiers. This is too much for him and he cannot bear it any longer against his innocence. He says...

" Hit me Beat me some more Hit me!
I spit on you. Beat me come on
beat me come on
stone me cowards. pig shit;
come on and beat me." 

As a father

Ghashiram appears as a typical father when he deals with Nana for the post of Kotwal and in return to offer his daughter to Nana. On the other hand Nana marries guari ghashiram's daughter and assures him for better future like ghashiram  can be found in literature or history. Who offers his young daughter to a middle aged man for marriage. In fact , this is Nana's seventh marriage. It is the agony of an insulted Kanoj brahmins for revenge makes him do such a mean bargaining. He loves his daughter but power and position is more important it.  

Ghashiram vows to return

Poona where he came to make his fortune but unfortunately it not only snatch money and necklace from him but also treated him to cruelty which forces him to take a vow to avenge of his humiliation. He said ;

"I'll come back , I'll come back to poone.
I'll show my strength , I'll show cost you;
I'll make this Poona, a kingdom of pigs
Then I'll be Ghashiram again 
The gone of Savaldas  once more".

He returns to Poona. He played a cheap game to gain power. Nana was lusty man therefore he offers his own daughter to nana and in return gets appointed as Kotwal of Poona .

His Remorse    

He is remorseful for spoiling the life of his daughter. He still calls the Brahmans cowards who are scored of him even when his hand id tied.

His Tragic end

It is rightly stated that when there is climax of rise,there begins fall. Ghashiram's degradation or fall begins when twenty two Brahmans die in the prison because of suffocation. His rivals takes  this opportunity and try their best to punish ghashiram, nana also plays a game  here and consents the request of Poona Brahmans to punish ghashiram. Nana achieves two targets with one stone, ghashiram can be punished and the Brahmans of Poona would be pleased at him. This brings a pitiable end of Ghashiram Kotwal. He is punished in public and he meets his tragic death. At last moment of his life, Ghashiram repents for his dealing with Nana to get power. 

His last words ;

"Ghashiram savaldas !
 Ghashiram savaldas !
I danced on your chests
but I wasted the life
of my little daughter 
I should be punished 
for the death of my daughter. 
Beat me. beat me. hit me.
cut off my hands 
and feet crack my skill.
come on, come on.
look! I'm here. 
Oh! that's good...."      

                             Tu Sum up

Ghashiram is a leading character of this play some scholars argue that Tendulkar has made many changes in portraying the character sketch of ghashiram. In the historical ghashiram, he had not any daughter at all. But as Tendulkar himself clarifies that   Ghashiram Kotwal is not historical play. It is set with the historical background. ghashiram remains a  powerful character sketch throughout the play.

Thank you!