Hello Readers!
This is my academic blog on thinking activity of culture and Anarchy.Task given by Dr. Dilip Barad.
Culture and Anarchy , major work of criticism by Matthew Arnold, published in 1869. In it Arnold contrasts culture, which he defines as "the study of perfection",with anarchy, the prevalent mood of England"s then new democracy, which lacks standards and a sense of direction. Arnold classified English society into the Barbarians,the philistines and the Populace.
Arnold's famous piece of writing on culture established his high Victorian cultural agenda which remained dominant in debate from the 1860s until the 1950s .
His essays divided into following chapters :
- What is culture?
- Sweetness and light?
- Doing as one likes - Anarchy
- Barbarians,Philistines, Populace
- Hebraism and Hellenism
- Porro Unum est Necessarium
- Our Liberal Practitioners
Key points
How do understand it
Culture studies is about the study of perfection and of harmonious perfection, general perfection which consists in becoming something. A perfection in which the characters of beauty and intelligence are both present.
Sweetness and Light
The Title first use by Jonathan swift letter on Arnold. Critical argument about Society. Sweetness is moral light is power and truth He calls the man of cultural as the true nurse of pursuing love and sweetness and Light. .
In this chapter Arnold divided England into three classes and he analysis them with their virtues and defects. He designates this three classes as an Aristocratic, middle and working class. Arnold says that all three classes find happiness in what they like. Persons in all three classes who have a general human spirit for the pursuit of perfection.
Hebraism and
Be in harmony by the light of reason
Balance of thought and action
Man's perfection and salvation
Bible conduct and obedience, Greek spirit
Strictness of consciences and Spontaneity of consciousness
Clarity of thought and clearness of mind.
Common basis in human nature in all.
General view about human beings is that they prefer to act rather than to think. He reject it because mankind is to err and he can not always think right, but it comes seldom in the process of reasoning and meditation, or is not rightly guided by the light of true reason except darkness.
One band system of action,issung out of the concept of democrate existence liberal notion of doing freely and the idea issues from sense of liberty democracy. The moral issues implies an implicit faith in the world of god. The idea of culture diffuses sweetness and Light and religion, fire and strength.
Doing As one likes
| - Personal liberty
- Freedom
-Rougher or coarser movements
- Middle and working class
- Consequences on Hyde park protesters
| Freedom of doing as one likes, according to Arnold, was one of those things which English thus worshipped in itself, without enough regarding the ends for which freedom is to be describe. |