Welcome to my blog. Now I am going to write about the very interesting Novel Midnight’s Children written by Salman Rushdie and the movie adaptation of Midnight’s Children by Deepa Mehta. After watching movie we have task to write on Narrative technique in film adaptation , characters,How the movie adaptation captured themes and symbols and the texture of the Novel. Let's we discuss on it.
Readers of Salman Rushdie’s novels know that he has been a prolific writer over the last few decades. Not only have his books received heaps of international critical acclaim, but they have also been loved by readers across the globe. So here’s where we have to tell you that the title of this article is a bit of a misnomer: only one of Rushdie’s novels has ever been adapted for the silver screen. In all these years, Rushdie’s works simply have not been remade as feature films. And it took more than 30 years for his novel, Midnight’s Children (1981), to reach the cinema. When we learned that Midnight’s Children was to become a film directed by Deepa Mehta, we were excited! But at the same time, we wondered: how might anyone turn a novel so immersed in the magical realism tradition into a work of cinema?
1. Narrative technique (changes made in film adaptation. For e.g. absence of padma,the nati,the listener,the commenter- what is your Interpolations.
Important concepts in Genette's narratology.
This outline of Genette's narratology derived from Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method. This book forms part of his multi-volume work Figures I-III. The examples used in it are mainly drawn from Proust's epic In Search of Lost Time. One criticism which had been used against previous forms of narratology was that they could deal only with simple stories, such as Vladimir Propp's work in Morphology of the Folk Tale. If narratology could cope with Proust, this could no longer be said.
He gave the five point of narratology 1.Order
2. Frequency
3. Duration
4.mood and
5. Voice.
Voice :
Voice is concerned with who narrates, and from where. This can be split four ways.
Is the narrator character in the story .
Hetero-diegetic: the narrator is not a character in the story.
Homo-diegetic: the narrator is a character in the story. In the story we can the see that the narrator Saleem himself character in the story.
There are major differences to be sure ,between the novel and film versions of Midnight’s Children. Most notably,many of the magical realism elements disappeared as the book made its way to the screen. In an interview with Indian journalism out let news laundry. Rushdie discusses the ways in which he and deepa mehta dealt with musical realism onscreen. And the characters of padma,Nati and listener are in the novel but not included in the movie. In the novel padma listen the story of Saleem but in the movie padma not included only listener or audience listen the story of Saleem.
2. Characters (how many included ,how many left out why? What is your Interpolations?
Midnight’s Children was very famous novel written by Salman Rushdie. There are many major and minor characters in the novel. In movie Midnight’s Children directed by Deepa Mehta we can see that there are many character included and many character left out.
The movie began with Aadam Aziz who is the well-known doctor he treats his patient Naseem. They both married. Their daughter Mumtaz secretly married with Nadir khan. After that she married with Ahmed and her name was changed Anima Sina. They both live in Bombay at the houseof Englishman WilliamMetho. Anima given the borth two child one is Salem and Jasmine.
The two servants entertain to English Man.
Wee willy winkly is my name to sing for my supper is my theme
I hope you are comfortable or confortee. Winkly's wife gave the birth one child shiva.
Mary Pereira and her husband included in the movie cause of that Mary play a vital role she interchanges two child Saleem and Shiva. Two babies in her hand two lives in her power she did it for Joe. Her own private revolutionary act love me joe was in Mary's mind and then was it done.
Rich be poor and the poor rich.
Another character is Parvati the Midnight’s Children. She has magical power. She has pregnant by shiva and she married with Saleem. The Uncle zulfi and aunt emerald also included in rhe movie. Some character is left out in the movie for e.g. Padma Saleem told his story to padma but padma was not in the movie. The nati and the listener.
3. Themes and symbols ( If film adaptation able to capture themes and symbols?
Themes are the fundamental ideas of the novel. In the novel we can see many themes and symbols. Rushdie establishes a strong connection between the history of India and the life of Saleem, his protagonist as if the two were Siamese twins? Right from the moment of his birth, Saleem is described as' being "mysteriously hand-cuffed to history, my destinies indissolubly chained to those of my country. For the next three decades, there was no escape." Thus, Rushdie sets the scene for us to believe a strange tale, if true, that Saleem Sinai by being born in Bombay on 15th August 1947 at the stroke of midnight, becomes the first child born in independent India, and that his story is the history of free India. In the movie adaptation we can see that the many historical elements.
June 12, 1975 will be remembered as a historic date at 2.15 this afternoon the prime Minister was found guilty of electoral malpractice from a specifically built podium mrs gandhi told the crowd that she was victim of hate camping the world emergency was heard for the first time.
Symbol : Nose
Saleem Sinai’s large, bulbous nose is a symbol of his power as the leader of the Midnight Children’s Conference, which is comprised of all children born on the moment of India’s independence from British rule.
His nose makes his power of telepathy possible, and this is how he communicates with the other children of midnight who all have varied powers of their own Saleem inherits his rather large, and perpetually congested, nose from his grandfather, Aadam Aziz, who also uses his nose to sniff out trouble.
Saleem’s nasal powers begin after an accident in his mother’s washing-chest, in which he sniffs a rogue pajama string up his nose, resulting in a deafening sneeze and the instant arrival of the voices in his head. Saleem’s power of telepathy remains until a sinus surgery clears out his nose “goo.” After his surgery, Saleem is unable to further commune with the other children. Ironically,
after Saleem’s nasal congestion is gone, he gains the ability to smell emotions, and he spends much time categorizing all the smells he frequently encounters.
4. The texture of the novel (what is the texture of the novel? Well i is the interconnectedness of narrative technique with the theme. It is well captured?
5. What is your aesthetic experience after watching the screening?
Yes there many aesthetic experience after watching the movie screening. The movie is really interesting. It's included many historical elements. And many magical in incidents was interesting. Saleem was first child wgo born 15th August 1947 at midnight. Many children born in Midnight’s so they all have got a magical power. Saleem has power of telepathy he listened voice voice are speaking inside to his head . He really thinks that archangel have started to talk with him. After accidents he got a powe to smell everything so it was very interesting. Saleem has the greatest gift of all he's the only one who can brings all child together.
Parvati has a magical power. Saleem is in Pakistan he can to pass that without passport or permit returned in Parvati's basket of invisibility to India. So there are many magical seen was very interesting.This magical since awoke our aesthetic feeling. And we also feel pity for Saleem and shiva that how Mary changed two child one rich become poor and poor became rich.
The movie adaptation of the Novel Midnight’s Children is vary interesting. In two hours the hole story waz included in the movie.
Thank you........
Citation :
Barad, D. (1970, January 1). Structuralism and Literary Criticism: Gerard Genette. https://blog.dilipbarad.com/2015/03/structuralism-and-literary-criticism.html?m=1#:~:text=Structuralist%20criticism%20aims%20at%20forming,in%20the%20field%20of%20narrative.
Golden, A. (n.d.). Salman Rushdie's novels on film. Our Blog. https://blog.bookstellyouwhy.com/salman-rushdies-novels-on-film.