Monday, 30 December 2019

Cultural Studies : Workshop by Dr. Kalyani Vallath

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This blog is about workshop on cultural studies by kalyani vallath.

Workshops  : Cultural Studies  by Kalyani  Vallath

27 December 2019 we have attended workshop on cultural studies at department of English Maharaja krishanakumarsinhji bhavnagar University. One day workshop organized by Dr. Dilip Barad head of English department. Dr. Kalyani Vallath is highly passionate teacher from Trivandrum, Kerala. She taught us about cultural studies, various theories and theorist. Her way of teaching is really appreciate. She has marvelous voice and personality. 

Kalyani ma'am gave many knowledge about cultural studies and gave many examples. Cultural studies is very difficult subject but she taught us in very easily and  interesting way.  She taught us, 

##An introduction of Cultural Studies##
  • What is Cultural Studies 
  • The Beginning of Cultural studies 
  • Frankfurt School 
  • Institute for Social Research. Of Frankfurt 
  • Critical Theory 
  • Hegelian Dialectical method 
  • Dialectic of Enlightenment 
  • What is Enlightenment 
  • Why has Enlightenment failed 
  • Cultural industry
  • New left in Britain 
  • Center for contemporary Cultural Studies 
  • ##The Pioneers ##
  • Richard Hoggart(1918-2014)
  • E. P. Thompson 
  • Raymond William 
  •  Cultural materialism 
  • ##Stuart Hall (1932-2014)##
  • Mode of communication 
  • Encoding and Decoding 
  • Cultural Representation 
  • ##Circuit of Cultural##
  • Production 
  • Consumption 
  • Identity 
  • Regulation
  • Signification 
  • ##Major Influence##
  • Michel Foucault 
  • Archeology and Genealogy 
  • Power /knowledge 
  • Episteme and Dispositif
  • Discipline% and Training of Docile bodies 
  • Pierre Bourdieu 
  • Cultural intermediaries 
  • Black Atlantic 
  • Edward Soja 
  • Popular culture studies 
  • Subculture studies 
So,  cultural studies is very huge topic. Kalyani ma'am very interestingly taught us everything about cultural studies. We all enjoyed her lecture. After attended workshop we have task on cultural studies..

Q - 1  What is your understanding about the concept of Cultural Studies?

Cultural study is about the interdisciplinary study. Cultural studies is relates to larger community or society. India is the best place for talking about culture , because India has huge community. Cultural studies is an innovative interdisciplinary field of research and teaching that investigates the ways in which "culture" creates and transforms individual experiences, everyday life, social relations and power. People belongs to different culture. Cultural studies is study about politics, history, media, philosophy, economics, social realities etc.. When we learn about culture we came to know that how culture transforms individual experiences, social realities and power relation. Kalyani ma'am  explained it in her own individual experience. Cultural studies developed as a reaction against Liberal humanism and orthodox Marxism. Culture has both a material and a metaphysical substance. The material is what is found in an archaeological site or simply observed in the material world in which people.It is metaphysical in the sense that there is a uniqe set of purposeful meanings for carrying out and achieving the members of the social system.

Q - 2 How would you explain a layman about Cultural studies

According to Matthew Arnold, cultural studies is about perfection. He talk about high culture. Cultural study is against of Arnold and F.R. Levis. Cultural study is concern with ordinary people .The different groups may have different cultures.

Q - 3 If you are asked in interview to teach cultural studies. How  would you introduced it? 

If l have asked how to introduce cultural studies  then my answer is that cultural studies is an discipline which combines political economy, communication, sociology, social theory,  literary theory,  media theory,  film studies,  cultural anthropology philosophy,  art history, criticism etc.  Cultural studies is an innovative interdisciplinary field of teaching that investigates the ways in which culture creates and transforms individual experiences, everyday life,  social relations and power.

Q -4. How many examples from the sessions were so catch that you will never forgot?

There are many example given by kalyani ma'am during session.Cultural studies transform individual experiences.She gave her own example. When she is traveling to abroad. She tested different food and her expression  I never forgotten.

We watch some videos during session. We watch short video of the movie 'Charlie Chaplin'. One since we can see that in machinal culture people has no value, labor has no value. This is express man vs machinal culture. There are no relationship. How machine are devalue of man.

Overall workshop we have learn lots of things and its very helpful us to appear in exam. Thanks to Dr. Kalyani ma'am to taught us  about cultural studies. Thanks to Dilip barad sir for organised this workshop.