Sunday, 8 March 2020

Assignment paper no : 7. Rasa Theory


Name :  Pina Gondaliya 
Enrollment No : 
Paper No : 7, Literary Criticism and Theory 
Topic :  Rasa Theory 

Classification of Literary Theories 

It is possible to classify literary theories on the basis of what aspect of literary composition is central to them. Accordingly, we have theory of :

  1. Language, namely, alamkara (principle of figurativeness) and Vakrokti (principle of deviation) 
  2. Style and compositional value, namely, guna/dosa (excellence, faults). Riti (mode of expression) and Acuity(propriety).
  3. Verbal symbolism, namely, dhavni 
  4. Aesthetic experience namely, rasa 
  5. Narrative, namely, mahakavya, as inferable from Bhoja's Sringara Prakasa and categories of panini's grammar. 
  6. Discourse analysis ,namely, yuktis. For example Kautilya's thirty -two units of composition in Arthasastra. It is an analysis of the thought structure of a composition, constitution of a text in terms of nature of proportions. Indian theorists do not explicitly discuss this. But one can consolidate ideas available in different sources. 
  7. Comprehensive analysis as constructed in kavyamimamsa. Rajasekhara has proposed a composite model based on the insights of different theories. 

  • Major schools, thinkers and text :

  • School 
  • Thinkers 
  • Texts
  1. Rasa 
  1. Alamkara 

  1. Riti 
  1. Dhavni 
Mahima Bhatta
Vyakti Viveka 
  1. Vakrokti
Vakrokti Jivita 
  1. Guna-Dosa
  1. Aucitya 
Aucitya Caracara

Rasa Theory 

Rasa, is an ancient concept of aesthetics discussed in the text, the Natyasastra, which dates to approximately the 4th or 5th century. "Sastra" in Hindu philosophy refers to the first text or treatise written on any subject ; the person generally credited for the Natyasastra is the  legendary Bharata Muni. Many philosophers have contributed ideas to the theories in aesthetics including Dandin, Bhatta Lollata, Sanuka, and Bhatta Nayaka. The ideas of all these philosophers have been passed down through the writing of the philosopher Abhinavagupta. 

The rasa theory originates with Bharata in Natyasastra. It claims that the object or meaning that is sought to be conveyed in literary compositions is in the nature of an emotional effect of diverse human experience on man's mind and heart. It is possible, Bharata demonstrates, to enumerate the whole range of emotions, or states of being born of experience, and to analyse the structure of those emotions in terms of cause, physical correlate and their effect on man's being. The theory thus becomes in effect a theory of literary experience which is strongly rooted in the empirical human reality. 

Bharata, the first announcer of the theory ,gives the most comprehensive analysis of its sources, nature and its Categories. Subsequently, the theory found major commentators in Dhanika Dhananjaya who re-examined Bharata's typology of drama and added to it a typology of Uparupakas, subplays, plays within plays, and one - act plays. It is Abhinavagupta, however, who enriched the theory by elucidating its philosophic foundations and by analysing in depth the aesthetic dimension of the theory in terms of the nature, cognition and effect of literary experience. 

The Rasa theory has been accepted as the core literary theory by all major politicians both before and after Abhinavagupta. In particular, the discussion and analysis by Viswanatha and Pt. Jagannatha have contributed towards a more subtle understanding of this theory. 

Nine Rasa :

Rasa is Sanskrit and has many translations in English, the main ones being : essence, juice, nectar, taste, or sap. Rasa is in everything, or I should say.. everything has Rasa. Though some things have a higher vibrational essence, others lower, some even dead. Rasa is the invisible substance that gives life meaning. Rasa is also described as the state of ecstasy in the union with divine. 

In Tantra these 9 Rasas are the essence of all of our emotions; 

1 Love / Sringara

It is the ultimate Rasa. The king or queen emotion that heals anything. It frees the ego and connects us to devotion. When you appreciate beauty it connects you to the source of love. It is the creative play between Shiva and Shakti, sun and moon, yin and yang. The purpose of the universe is to experience this divine love. 
This love exists in everything. It is within each one of us and radiates out to the cosmos. 

2. Joj/Hasya 

This Rasa connects you to your humor, laughter, happiness and contentment. It is the extension of what you feel within love. 

3. Wonder / Adhuta 

Curiosity, Mystery, Awe. When you become fascinated with the idea of life. It is your playfulness and innocence. You enter into complete appreciation and become an explorer or adventure. It is magic! 

]4. Courage / Vira 

Bravery, Confidence, Pride. When you call upon your the warrior that lives inside you. It is strong and vibrant. 

5. Peace / Shanta 

Deep calmness and relaxation. When you become still and quiet. In peace you become so full that you are empty. You will not find peace anywhere but within. 

6. Sadness / Karuna

When you can experience sadness and connect it back to the cosmos, you then experience compassion. Compassion is what connects us all. Through compassion we can relate deeply to each other. When one's sadness is truly experienced around a situation it can give a sense of completion. Grieving is a key aspect in healing. 

7. Anger/Raudra

In anger we go into the fire. One moment of anger can destroy lifetimes of good merit. Respect anger. When anger isn't honored it can bring up irritation, violence, hatred. Feel the anger. Let it move through you. Breathe into the fire. 

8. Fear/ Bhayanaka

Doubt, Worry, Insecurity. When we live our lives in fear, we shut down completely. 

9. Disgust / Vibhasta

Self pity, Loathing, self hatred. Only through a loving emotion can you heal and appease disgust 

But bhakti rasa is the one which is revered most as all first 6 rasas can be attained through bhakti rasa. How to test the nectar of bhakti rasa the following method has been advocated. Bhakti is a Sanskrit term that signifies an attitude of devotion to a personal God that is similar to a number of human-human relationships such as a beloved - lover, friend-friend, parent-child, and master-servant. Bhakti rasa was added later on. 


Hrodrigues. “Rasa Theory .” Mahavidya, 26 Dec. 2017,

Rocio. “9----Rasas as 9-- Emotions in Human Beings .”, Speaking Tree, 25 Mar. 2013,

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