Friday, 24 January 2020

Thinking Activity : Derrida & Deconstruction

Hello Readers! 

This is my academic task on thanking activity on Derrida and deconstruction. Task given by Dr. Dilip Barad head of English department Mkb university. Click here for know more about this task. 

Jacques Derrida 

Jacques Derrida was french philosopher who sits at the forefront of post-structuralism, is the father of deconstruction. Derrida was the founder of "deconstruction " a way of criticizing not only both literary and philosophical text but also political institution. Although Derrida at times expressed regret concerning the fate of the word 'deconstruction' it popularity indicates the wide ranging influence of his thought , in philosophy,  in literary criticism and theory,  in art and,  in political theory. 

Deconstruction :

Deconstruction is an approach to understand the relationship between text and meaning. It was originated by the philosopher Jacques Derrida whose approach consisted of conducting readings of texts looking for things that run counter to its intended meaning or structural unity. The purpose of deconstruction is to show that the usage of language in a  given text,  and language as a whole,  are irreducibly complex,  unstable, or impossible.  Throughout his readings, Derrida hoped to show deconstruction at work. 

In the criticism of literature deconstruction is a theory and practice of reading which questions and claims to 'subvert' or 'undermine' the assumption that the system of language provides ground that are adequate to establish the boundaries the coherence or unity. And determinat meaning of literary tex. 

Deconstruction is not destructive activity,  but it is an inquiry into the foundations of everything. Deconstruction is not totally negative term. By it does not mean to destructive activity or breaking down anytime. Darrida says that  deconstruction is not destructive activity but an inquiry into the foundations causes of intellectual system. 

Advertisement :  सारे मेल  धोडालो घड़ी डिटर्जेंट के साथ। 

Above advertisement is about the Ghadi Detergent powder. People have a construct mind set that the man working on office and women doing house work. In this advertisement we can see that the man was working in house made a tea etc.. and the women was working of her office work. When her parents see these her mother told his husbund that ' ઇસ જમાનેમે કહા મીલતે હે નેક દામાદ'. But when she see that her son helps his wife then her opinion is changed what she said?  She says her son that ' यही सीखााया मेने तुजे' what she meant to say this. When another Son help your doughter for hous works then is good but when your son help his wife then it's problematic why? Tise kind of thing also happens around us.  At the end of the advertisement she help her and change her mind set. 

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