Monday, 27 January 2020

Thinking Activity : Culture and Anarchy

Hello Readers! 

This is my academic blog on thinking activity of culture and Anarchy.Task given by Dr. Dilip Barad.

Culture and Anarchy , major work of criticism by Matthew Arnold, published in 1869. In it Arnold contrasts culture, which he defines as "the study of perfection",with anarchy, the prevalent mood of England"s then new democracy, which lacks standards and a sense of direction. Arnold classified  English society into the Barbarians,the philistines and the Populace.

Arnold's famous piece of writing on culture established his high Victorian cultural agenda which remained dominant in debate from the 1860s until the 1950s .

His essays divided into following chapters :

  • What is culture?
  • Sweetness and light?
  • Doing as one likes - Anarchy
  • Barbarians,Philistines, Populace
  • Hebraism and Hellenism
  • Porro Unum est Necessarium
  • Our Liberal Practitioners 

Key points 
How do understand it 

  • A study of perfection
  • Harmonious perfection, general perfection.
  • Epictetus - sign of aphuia. 
Culture studies is about the study of perfection and of harmonious perfection, general perfection which consists in becoming something. A perfection in which the characters of beauty and intelligence are both present. 

Sweetness and Light 
  • Sense of beauty 
  • Active intelligence 
  • Liberty 
  • Greek words aphuia & euphuia 
The Title first use by Jonathan swift letter on Arnold. Critical argument about Society. Sweetness is moral light is power and truth He calls the man of cultural as the true nurse of pursuing love and sweetness and Light. . 

  • Society of England. Class system. 
  • Three classes 
  • Virtues and defects. 
  • Personal liberty. 
In this chapter Arnold divided England into three classes and he analysis them with their virtues and defects. He designates this three classes as an Aristocratic, middle and working class. Arnold says that all three classes find happiness in what they like. Persons in all three classes who have a general human spirit for the pursuit of perfection. 
    Hebraism and 

  • Be in harmony by the light of reason 
  • Balance of thought and action 
  • Man's perfection and salvation 
  • Bible conduct and obedience,  Greek spirit 
  • Strictness of consciences and Spontaneity of consciousness 
  • Clarity of thought and clearness of mind. 
  • Common basis in human nature in all. 
General view about human beings is that they prefer to act rather than to think. He reject it because mankind is to err and he can not always think right, but it comes seldom in the process of reasoning and meditation, or is not rightly guided by the light of true reason except darkness. 

  • Banal system of action 
  • Liberty 
  • Will of god and world of God 
  • Malaise of the Age 
  • Arnold Deplores the Age 
  • Disquieting absence of some authority. 
One band system of action,issung out of the concept of democrate existence liberal notion of doing freely and the idea issues from sense of liberty democracy. The moral issues implies an implicit faith in the world of god. The idea of culture diffuses sweetness and Light and religion, fire and strength. 
Doing As one likes
- Personal liberty
- Freedom
-Rougher or coarser movements
- Middle and working class
- Consequences on Hyde park protesters

Freedom of doing as one likes, according to Arnold, was one of those things which English thus worshipped in itself, without enough regarding the ends for which freedom is to be describe.

Friday, 24 January 2020

Thinking Activity : Lord Tennyson & Browning

Hello Readers!  

Alfred Lord Tennyson and Robert Browning,  the two gigantic poetic personalities of the Victorian period. Both of them were born in the same country and produced of their creative works during the same span of time but their is wide difference between them. Both are the main leading personalities of the Victorian age and they are too known ae the representative poet of that era. Both the poets apply new techniques and styles in poetry writing. But both these poets adopt their own style in their writing. We have task on comparative study of  these two poets. This task given by Vaidehi ma'am. Let's we look this two poet and comparative study of Tennyson and Browning. 

Alfred Tennyson 

Alfred, lord Tennyson, in full Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson of Aldworth and Freshwater, English poet often regarded as the chief representative of the Victorian age in poetry. He was raised to the peerage in 1884. Tennyson was the fourth of 12 children,  born into an old Lincolnshire family. More than any other Victorian era writer, Tennyson has seemed the embodiment of his age, both to his contemporaries and to modern readers. In his own day he was said to be - with Queen Victoria and Prime Minister William  Gladstone - one of the three most famous living persoms,  a reputation no other poet writing in English has ever had.

The 1832 poems was a great step forward poetically and included the first versions of some of Tennyson greatest works, such as "The Lady of shalatto", "The palace of Art", "A Dream of fair women", "The Hesperides", and three wonderful poems conceived in the Pyrenees, "oenone", "The lotos Eaters" and "mariana".

Robert Browning 

Although the early part of Robert Browning's creative life was spent in comparative obscurity,  he has come to be regarded as one of the most important English poets of the Victorian period. His dramatic monologues and the psychological epic The Ring and the Book,  a novel in verse,  have established him as a children's writer is more modest,  resting as it does almost entirely on one poem, "The Piper of Hamelin, "  included almost as an afterthought in Bells and Pomegranites.

Comparative study of Tennyson and Browning :

  • Browning focues on the psyches of his frantic characters and tries to look into deep inside of such characters in his writings. Browning tries to understand human nature, religion, and society properly. He studies the innermost psychology of characters. 
  • On other hand,  Tennyson draws material from external specific realities, ideas, and objects and tries to express it through ornate language. 
  • Another significant difference between poems of Alfred Tennyson's and Robert Browning is in their nature of expression. Browning writing are always energetic but in Tennyson's tone of expression is generally melancholic where he tends to give touch of nostalgia. Their poetic concerns are hardly related. 
  • Browning systematically depicts the essence of a character whereas Tennyson gives importance in inducing and endorsing a particular mood. 

Alfred Tennyson and Robert Browning belong to the Victorian age and they occupy a prominent place as a pre-eminent poet of their age. Both the poets apply new techniques and styles in poetry writing. But both these poets adopt their own style in their writing. Browning focuses on the psyche of his frantic characters and tries to look deep inside of such characters in his writings.


Browning tries to understand human nature, religion, and society properly. He Studies the innermost psychology of characters. On the other hand, Tennyson Draws material from external specific realities, ideas, and objects and tries to express it through ornate language.


Another significant difference between poems of Alfred Tennyson's and RobertBrowning is in their nature of expression. Browning's writings are always energetic but in Tennison's tone of expression is generally melancholic where he tends to give touch of nostalgia. Their poetic concerns are hardly related.


Browning systematically depicts the essence of a character whereas Tennyson Gives importance in inducing and endorsing a particular mood.


 In terms of the structure of Tennyson’s thoughts on the meaning of poetry, the scholars find a four-part division: poetry as release from emotion, poetry as release from thought, poetry as self-realization, and poetry as mission/prophecy. Canto 95is seen, from this view, as the climax of the poem.

The most conspicuous theme in the poem is, of course, grief. The poet’s emotional

 progression from utter despair to hopefulness fits into the structure observed by the scholars. The early poems are incredibly personal and bleak. Tennyson feels abandoned and lost. He cannot sleep and personifies the cruelty of Sorrow, “Priestess in the vaults ofDeath.” He wonders if poetry is capable of expressing his loss. He wanders by his friend's old house, sick with sadness. Memory is oppressive.


Nature herself seems hostile,chaotic. His grief has a concomitant in a lack of religious faith.However, as the poems proceed, the poet begins to grapple with his grief and find ways to move beyond it. He learns, as scholar Joseph Becker writes, to

“experience deeper layers of grief so that he may transcend the limitations of time and space that Hallam’s death represents.” He has learned to love better and embrace his sorrow, which he now personifies as a wife, not a mistress. He learns that Hallam, while once his flesh-and- blood friend whom he misses dearly, is now a transcendent spiritual being, something the human race can aspire to become.

Although Tennyson will never fully recover from the loss of Hallam, he can move forward; the wedding of his other sister establishes this result for him.One of the reasons why the poem is so lauded by critics is its engagement with some contemporary Victorian religious and scientific debates and discourses. Tennyson is dealing not only with his sorrow over Hallam’s death, but also with the lack of religious faith that came with it. He wonders what the point of life is if man’s individual soul is not immortal after death. His emotions vacillate between doubt and faith. He eventually comes to terms with the fact that Hallam may be gone in bodily form, but that he is a perfect spiritual being whose consciousness endures past his death. Becker writes that Tennyson experiences “renewed faith ... that both individual and human survival are predicated on spiritual rather than physical terms.”

Also, significantly, he ruminates over the new scientific findings of the age, which are forerunners of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. In particular, Charles Lyell’s

Principles of Geology (1846) undermined the biblical story of creation. Several of the

cantos deal with the ideas of the randomness and brutality of Nature towards man. Canto LVI has the poet anguishing, “So careful of the type? But no. / From scraped cliff and quarried stone / She cries, ‘A thousand types are gone: / I care for nothing, all shall go.’”One of the most famous lines in the English language, “Nature, red in tooth and claw,” is also in this canto.Tennyson grapples with what all of this means in terms of his religious faith as well as in the context of his loss; death is very, very long. The critic William Flesch observes, “Tennyson feels the utter oppressiveness of the emptiness and vacuity of time that Lyell has so devastatingly demonstrated. Within that, he feels the pain of his mourning forHallam, a pain that may be sometimes intermittent but is always at the core of his being.”

Ultimately, though, the fact that love prevails and persists in the vastness of Nature givesTennyson the hope he needs to place his faith in transcendence and salvation once more.The poet never rejected the actual findings of Lyell and others, but he certainly saw themas only partial answers to the mysteries of the universe and believed God still cared very much for human beings and that there was hope for such humans to attain a higher state.

Locksley Hall

This poem is a wonderful creation of Tennyson which was published in 1842.


In the "Locksley Hall" the speaker shows "Locksley Hall" as young life and it also embodies the moral aspect, lackness and thirst of new blood. This beautiful piece is nothing but a piece of fancy in which we get the idea about life of the author of the poem.


This dramatic monologue poem starts with sadness because of the loss of his much loved cousin Amy.In fact, beyond the surface meaning, the poem contains notions of VictorianAge in which the poet lived. The speaker compares his loss of his cousin with the loss ofVictorian age which has lost its own artistic capability.


The speaker traces parental authority in the poem. The consequence of parental authority is uttered through pitiful misconception by making of irritable scenery which replicates the anguish. For example-The speaker displays his depression without expecting offspring. Imagery used, with the reference of Orion and Pleiades, which shine in spring and winter are omitted by speakers' depressed mood.


The images which hold the poem are the brutality of time and its rapidity and according to the poet , these elements destroy the relationship between lovers and lovers' creative capability. Here, the symbol, harp which creates harmony is devastated. The loss of love makes comprehend and doubt the speaker about his fate when the father of Amy forces her to marry a guy, whom her father seems perfect.


The speaker states that suicide is the only solution to escape from depressive condition.The speaker states that suicide is the only solution to escape from depressive condition.His thoughtfulness drives from individual to society. To him the harm of the effect indicates one aspect of social injustice. The speaker's consciousness over the social awareness offers him a new dream of the future.


At the end of the poem, the speaker's mind remains with psychological problems through self-confidence which also indicates social progress that means spring is not so far away.


Alfred Tennyson and Robert Browning belong to the Victorian age and they occupy a prominent place as a pre-eminent poet of their age. Both the poets apply new techniques and styles in poetry writing. But both these poets adopt their own style in their writing. Browning focuses on the psyche of his frantic characters and tries to look deep inside of such characters in his writings.


Browning tries to understand human nature, religion, and society properly. He Studies the innermost psychology of characters. On the other hand, Tennyson Draws material from external specific realities, ideas, and objects and tries to express it through ornate language.


Another significant difference between poems of Alfred Tennyson's and RobertBrowning is in their nature of expression. Browning's writings are always energetic but in Tennison's tone of expression is generally melancholic where he tends to give touch of nostalgia. Their poetic concerns are hardly related.


Browning systematically depicts the essence of a character whereas Tennyson Gives importance in inducing and endorsing a particular mood.


Tennyson’s poetry is essentially lyrical; thereby his dramatic monologues seem


hearted attempts when compared to Browning’s.


In Tennyson we see the dramatic monologues used quite differently and the same characteristics found in his lyrical poetry are present in his dramatic monologues.

“St. Simeon Stylites” is Tennyson’s most Browningesque poem in

 the sense of irony.


We can easily perceive that Simeon is eluding himself as being the martyr who suffers to achieve sainthood but his suffering is self-inflicted and he is trying to convince us with false humility while his spiritual pride is clearly evident in his words.


 Nevertheless, St. Simon Stylites is character

er who is very similar to Tennyson’s

other characters. Like Marianna he is an isolated figure in a confined space leading a life which is no life. The poem is again about the penultimate moment ofSt. Simeon who is sitting on a pillar waiting for his reward of sainthood. In Contrast, we do not find these sorts of similarities in Browning.


Likewise, the dramatic situations of Tennyson’s “Ulysses” and “Tithonus”although fascinating in their own right do not exhibit Browning’s ability to inhabit

different personas and refine himself out of existence.


Browning’s poetry is his attempt to understand human nature, religion, and

society. In all his dramatic monologues we encounter different personas that provide us with different points of views and the reader is ultimately asked to elicit his own conclusion

s. For example, in “Fra Lippo Lippi” Browning

satirizes the essentially corrupt relationship between the Italian Renaissance tradition of art.

Tennyson and browning are important Victorian poets, they differ in background and Style. Browning is considered the more innovative  of the two poeta due to his often unusual syntax,  but actually under his mellifluous and fluid surface style, Tennyson is perhaps even more radically innovative. Both poets wrote dramatic monologues.

Comparative study between Charles Dickens and George Eliot :

Charles Dickens and George Eliot both are great Victorian writer. They both famous for their writing. In the novel , Oliver Twist and Middlemarch, Charles Dickens and George Eliot have presented the Victorian Society by one or another way. Both novel were written in the Victorian age. In Oliver Twist, major themes is a poverty, orphanhood, starvation, child labouring where as in the middlemarch major themes is a marriage, vocation ,desire for own identity, severity of the society. These are themes of both texts which govern the narrative of both novels.

We can see that the autobiographical element in works of Eliot and Dickens. Oliver Twist and middlemarch both autobiographical novel. In Oliver Twist Charles Dickens describe the wretched condition of children who work in the work house. It is Dickens 's own experience of working in the shoe-polish factory. In middlemarch Eliot presented her novel in a new way rather than stereotypical fantasies of the conventional romance fiction.

Both novelist have depicted the Victorian society in their novels.

Thinking Activity : Derrida & Deconstruction

Hello Readers! 

This is my academic task on thanking activity on Derrida and deconstruction. Task given by Dr. Dilip Barad head of English department Mkb university. Click here for know more about this task. 

Jacques Derrida 

Jacques Derrida was french philosopher who sits at the forefront of post-structuralism, is the father of deconstruction. Derrida was the founder of "deconstruction " a way of criticizing not only both literary and philosophical text but also political institution. Although Derrida at times expressed regret concerning the fate of the word 'deconstruction' it popularity indicates the wide ranging influence of his thought , in philosophy,  in literary criticism and theory,  in art and,  in political theory. 

Deconstruction :

Deconstruction is an approach to understand the relationship between text and meaning. It was originated by the philosopher Jacques Derrida whose approach consisted of conducting readings of texts looking for things that run counter to its intended meaning or structural unity. The purpose of deconstruction is to show that the usage of language in a  given text,  and language as a whole,  are irreducibly complex,  unstable, or impossible.  Throughout his readings, Derrida hoped to show deconstruction at work. 

In the criticism of literature deconstruction is a theory and practice of reading which questions and claims to 'subvert' or 'undermine' the assumption that the system of language provides ground that are adequate to establish the boundaries the coherence or unity. And determinat meaning of literary tex. 

Deconstruction is not destructive activity,  but it is an inquiry into the foundations of everything. Deconstruction is not totally negative term. By it does not mean to destructive activity or breaking down anytime. Darrida says that  deconstruction is not destructive activity but an inquiry into the foundations causes of intellectual system. 

Advertisement :  सारे मेल  धोडालो घड़ी डिटर्जेंट के साथ। 

Above advertisement is about the Ghadi Detergent powder. People have a construct mind set that the man working on office and women doing house work. In this advertisement we can see that the man was working in house made a tea etc.. and the women was working of her office work. When her parents see these her mother told his husbund that ' ઇસ જમાનેમે કહા મીલતે હે નેક દામાદ'. But when she see that her son helps his wife then her opinion is changed what she said?  She says her son that ' यही सीखााया मेने तुजे' what she meant to say this. When another Son help your doughter for hous works then is good but when your son help his wife then it's problematic why? Tise kind of thing also happens around us.  At the end of the advertisement she help her and change her mind set. 

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Thinking Activity : Structuralism

Hello Readers!

This blog is my academic task thinking activity on Structuralism. We know that what is structuralism and what is structuralist critic do. After understanding the concept of Structuralism  We have task on structuralism. Being a structuralist critic, how would you analyse literary text or TV serial or film? We have task that select any image or TV serial or Film or literary text or advertisement and apply structuralist method. This thinking activity given by Dr. Dilip Barad head of English department MKB university. 

  • Gerard Genette 

Gerard Genette was well known literary critic and  french literary theorists after Roland Barthes. Gebette is primarily associated with structuralism, especially for reintroducing a new rhetorical vocabulary into literary criticism term as narratology,  trope and metonymy etc. Gerard Genette puts forward structuralist criticism as a literary criticism.

  • What is Structuralism 
Structuralism as a method is peculiarly imitable to literary criticism which is a discourse upon a discourse discourse. Literary criticism in that it is meta-linguistic in character  and comes into being/ existence as meta-literature, that is to say , 'a literature of which literature is the imposed object'. That is , it is literature written to explain literature and language used in it to explain the role of language in literature. 

In Genette's words, ' if the writer quotations the universe, the critic quotations literature, that is to say, the universe of signs. 

Gerard Genette writes at the outset in his essay "Structuralism and Literary criticism" that methodes developed for the study of one discipline could be satisfactorily applied to the study of other discipline as well. This is what he calls "intellectual bricolage", borrowing a term form Claude Levi-Strauss. This is precisely so, so far as structuralism is concerned. 

  • Important concepts in Genette's narratology  
Genette's narratology is derived from Narrative Discourse; An Essay in Method. Below are the five main concepts used by Genette in Narrative Discourse; An Essay in Method. They are primarily used to look at the syntax of narratives, rather than to perform an interpretation of them. 

  1. Order :
 Say a story is as follows;
 Event 1. a murder occurs; 
 Event 2 . then the circumstances of the murder are reveals to a detective, 
Event 3.  Finally the murderer is caught.

Arranged chronologically the events run. Arranged in the text they may run discovery, flashback and resolution. 

I try to apply these type of narrative discourse in TV serials. Generally we can see that C.I.D , dedective didi or Savdhan India TV serials following above three type of chronological events. C.I.D or Savdhan India began with the discovery of murder or any crime then event go to the flashback that what and how its happens then resolution. But some time this proceese of narrative is changed some time its began with flashback than the discovery.  This accounts for the ' obvious' effects the reader will recognise, such as flashback. It also deals with the structure of narratives on a more systematic basis.

The Black Cat : By Edger Allan Poe 

In this story we can see that above three type of chronological events. The narrator killed his wife and his beloved cat. The police discover the murderer and the end of the story murderer reviled. So we can apply this three type of narrative discourse in this story.

2. Frequency 

The separation between an event and its narration allows several possibilities. An event can be occured once and narrated once. An events can be occured once and be narrated many times.

3. Duration 

The separation between an event and its narration means that there is discourse time and narrative time.These are the two main elements of duration. First is ten years passed but a short narrative time it mean they narrated in few seconds.

For example Khoob Ladi Mardaani - Jhansi Ki Rani. This is Indian historical drama television series based on the life of Lakshmi Bai , The rani of jhansi. The story narrated many time left few years.

4. Voice 

Voice is concerned with who narrates, and from where. This can be split four ways.

Where the narration is form

  • Intra-diegetic: inside the text.
  • Extra-diegetic : outside the text.
Is the narrator a character in the story?
  • Hetero-diegetic: The narrator is not a character in the story.

  • Homo-diegetic: The narrator is a character in the story.
for example from literary text :

1. Blow up with the ship

Blow up with ship is a short story by 19th century writer Wilkie Collins. It is a thriller story. We can see that the Homo-diegetic narration in this story. In these story narrator himself tells story and he is character in these story. The story is narrated in first person. The narrator was sent to sea when still a boy and became a mate at the of twenty five. The setting is sea during the year 1818.

2. The Black Cat 

The Black Cat is a short story by American writer Edgar Allan Poe. The story is presented as a first-person narrative using an unreliable narrator. The narrator tells story and he is also character in the story.

Example from movie :

Baahubali : The Beginning and Baahubali 2 The conclusion

Baahubali is a 2015 Indian epicaction film directed by S.S.Rajamouli. The film produced by Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni. The first of two cinematic parts, the film follows sivdu, an adventurous young man who helps his love , a rebellious warrior intending to rescue the former queen of Mahishmati. In this process, he learns of his true identity as the heir to the throne of mahishmati, the son of Amarendra Baahubali, whoes tale is narrated to him by kattappa reveals that he was the one who killed him. The reason behind this is  explained in the Baahubali 2 : The conclusion. So we can say that the second part of Baahubali is narrated by Kattappa and he himself character in the movie. Kattappa relates this story to baahubali, but when asked about Amarendra baahubali current whereabouts, a tearful kattappa reveals that Amaendra baahubali is dead , and that he is the one who killed him.

5. Mood 

Genette said narrative mood is dependent on the distance and perspective of the narrator, and like music, narrative mood has predominant patterns. It is related to voice.

Genette concept of structuralism is different from other and his concept is most including all narrative techniques.

Thank you.....  

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Thinking Activity : Northrop Frye

Hello Readers! 

This blog is about my academic task on Northrop Frye. In our syllabus we have learned about the Northrop Frye's essay " Archetypes of Literature ". This thinking Activity given by Dr. Dilip Barad head of English department. Click here about this  Activity. 

Northrop Frye  : 

Northrop Frye was well known critic. His full name Herman Northrop Frye. He  was Canadian educator and literary critic who wrote much on Canadian literature and culture and became best known as one of the most important literary theorists of the 20th century. 

The present essay " Archetypes of literature "is taken from the book. In the essay Frye critically analysis literature against the backdrop of rituals and myth. He interprets literature in the light of various rituals and myths. Frye has divided  the easy into three parts. 

  • The First deals with the concept of archetypal criticism. 
  • The second of part throws light on the inductive method of analysis of a text. 
  • The third part focuses on the deductive method of analysis. All the method fall under  structural criticism. 

Q - 1 : What is Archetypal Criticism?  What does the archetypal critic do? 

Archetypal literary criticism is a type of critical theory. The term archetype means an original idea or pattern of something of which others are copies. In the literary criticism the term archetype denotes recurrent narratives designs, patterns of action, character -types, themes, and images which are identifiable in a wide variety of works of literature as well as in myth dreams and even social rituals. Which are used in literary compositions and it's help us to shaping individual's perspective towards literary texts. 

Archetypal critic argue that archetypes determine the form and function of literary works,  that a text's meaning is shaped by cultural and psychological myths.. Archetypal critic find new criticism too animistic in ignoring inter textual elements and in approaching the text as if it existed in a vacuum. 

Q - 2 what is Frye trying prove by giving an analogy of 'physics to nature ' and 'Criticism to literature? 

Northrop Frye has given a unique idea of Archetypal Criticism by comparing the human emotions or human characteristics with the cycle of seasons. physics is the study of nature, criticism,  is the study of literature. Frye says that physics is an organized body of knowledge about nature. But generally students say that they are learning physics not nature. Physics is deep study of nature. Science explores nature and different branches of science explore different aspects of nature. Physics is a  branch of science,  which explores matter and natural forces of the universe. Literary criticism, today, has become systematic in could be considered as a science. Based on this concept, a work of literature may be critically evaluated, says Northrop Frye.

Q - 3 : Share your views of criticism as an organized body of knowledge. Mention relation of literature with history and philosophy. 

Literature is a part of humanities and humanities include philosophy and history also. These two branches of knowledge provide a kind of pattern for understanding literature. Philosophy and history are two major tools for interpretation of literature and archetypal criticism is based on philosophy and history of a people. Archetypal criticism is meaningful criticism.

Q - 4 : Briefly explain inductive method with illustration of Shakespeare's  Hamlet Grave Digger's scenes. 

Frye contends that structural criticism will help a reader in understanding a text, and in his analysis,  he proceeds inductively. That is,  from particular truths in a work,  he draws forth general truths.

Shakespeare's "Hamlet" gravedigger scene is best example of study of inductive method. In this scene we can see that gravedigger was not effected by the death of others because it is  their rutin work. They have romanticized relationship with their jobs. They introduced different skull with person and their works. It is manifestation of the absolute integrity of gravedigger. We came to general observation that the corruption in society.

Owing to jealousy, Othello in the Shakespeare play, inflicts upon himself affliction and this is the particular truth of the drama from which the reader learns the general truth of life that jealousy is always destructive. This is called the inductive method of analysis under structural criticism.

Q - 5 : Briefly explain deductive method with reference to analogy to music, painting, rhythm and pattern. 

An archetypal critic, under the deductive method of analysis, proceeds to establish the meaning of a work from the general truth to the particular truth. Literature is like a music and painting. Rhythm is an essential characteristic of music and in painting, pattern is the chief virtue. Rhythm in music is temporal and pattern in painting is spatial. In literature both rhythm and pattern are recurrence rhythm means the narrative and the narrative presents all the events and episodes as a sequence and hastens action. Pattern in literature signifies it's verbal structure and conveys a meaning. In producing the intended artistic effect,  a work of literature should have both rhythm and pattern. Narrative and meaning.

  • Literary Criticism and Religion

There is a close relationship between literary criticism and religion. In his analysis, a literary critic considers God  as an archetype man who is portrayed as a hero in a work. God is a character in the story of Paradise Lost or The Bible,  and the critic deals with him and considers him only as a human character. Criticism does not deal with any actuality,  but with what is conceivable and possible.

Similarly religion is not associated with scientific actuality,  but with how things look like. Literary criticism work on cinceivability. Likewise,  religion function on conceivability. There can be no  place for scientific actuality in both,  but what,  is conceived is accepted by all.  Both in religion and literary criticism , an epiphany is at work. It is a revelation of god or truth and it is a profound insight. It originated from the subconscious, from the dreams. In human life there is a cycle of waking and dreaming and in nature also,  it could be seen and it is the cycle of light and darkness. Waking and dreaming,  and light and darkness are two antithetic factors, which bring about epiphany in a person.  It is during the day that man develops fear and frustration,  and he  resolves to achieve.  It is the  antithesis,  which resolves the problems and misunderstanding of man  and makes him perceive truth both in religion and literary criticism.

Thank you......