Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Assignment Paper no. : Metaphysical Poetry : John Donne

  • Assignment

Name : Pina Gondaliya
Sem : 1
Roll No : 25
Enrollment No : 2069108420200012
Paper No : 3 Literay Criticism and Theory
Submitted To : Dilip Barad sir department of english

What is Metaphysical poetry? Discuss John Donne as Metaphysical poet. And illustrate his poems.

  • What is Metaphysical Poetry?

First of all the term “Metaphysical Poetry” refers to a specific period of time and a specific set of poets. What is Metaphysical poetry? Actually the answer lies in the composition of these pieces. The common thread is that they contain metaphors that are highly conceptual in nature. These metaphores are often tenuous, at best, in their comparisons of one thing to another, but they can leave the reaer feeling enlightened. This type of mataphore is known as a Metaphysical conceit. The way to tell a metaphysical conceit from a regular metaphore is that they often exhibit an analytical tone, contain double meanings, show logical reasoning, and have paradoxes, symbolism, and wit. While one or two of thes elements might be missing from any given piece, there should be the majority of them present.

The term metaphysical or metaphysics in poetry is the fruit of renaissance tree, becoming over ripe and approaching pure science."META"means"beyond"and"Physics"means"Physical nature".Metaphysical poetry means poetry that goes beyond the physical world of the senses and explores the spiritual word. Metaphysical poetry began early in the Jacobean Age in the last stage of the age of shakespeare.

In the first half of the 17th century,a group of poets emerged who'es poetry is known as "THE METAPHYSICAL POETRY". Since John Donne was the pioneer of this group ,it is also known as THE SCHOOL OF JOHN DONNE .The other poet who followed footstep of John Donne were George Herbert , Andrew Marvell and Abraham Cowley and Robert Herrick .These poet try to followed the style of writing poetry which was initially cultivated by John Donne.

  • Characteristic of Metaphysical poetry :
Caracteristic of Metaphysical poetry :
  1. Conscious Attempt
  1. Far Fatched Image
  1. Dramatic Manner and direct tone of Speech
  1. Concentration
  1. Wit
  1. Use of Satire and Irony
  1. Platonic Love
  1. Originality
  1. Carelessness in diction
  1. Metaphysical Poetry is a blend of passion and thought.

The metaphysical poetry has been extensively commented upon by Dr. Samuel Johnson . In his biographical work"THE LIVES"while writing about the life of couly .Dr. Johnson try to interpret The Metaphysical poetry and it's features.Jonson find's following feature in the metaphysical poetry of Donne and his school.

  • Conscious Attempt:
All the metaphysical poets made a conscious attempt to differ in the style of writing poetry from the former poets .They were not whiling to continuous writing poetry in a same manner just like Shakespeare,Spencer,Philip Sydney,Christopher Marlowe and others.They wanted to make their poetry look different from the former poet.It was the conscious attempts to part with the exciting style writing poetry and to cultivate a new style.

critics find two reasons for then desire to differ from the former poet. The first reason is that they were fully aware of the fact that they would have been rejected had they continuous writing poetry in the same way. The invention of printing press help a lot in expanding education and literacy so people were also retrait and it was then demand to have new kind of poetry.This demand of the people for a new type of poetry was served by metaphysical poetry.

All the metaphysical were literate and degree holder they wanted to exhibit then learning and scholarships and so they tried to differ from the former poets.

  • Far Fetched Image :
Far fetched images and conciets is one more feature of the metaphysical poetry. They never tried to use and express their images from that field with which the theme of the poetry was concerned.They tried to bring there images from those field which have nothing to do with the theme of there poems so they are called far fetched images.

In tried to bring there images from the branches and areas just like agriculture mechanical engineering , architecture ,biology Geometry and many other field which have nothing common with the theme of there poems.Such a practice drew attention of the readers and it made them establish poets Herbert borrowed image from architecture and mechanical engineering . The best example are "The church porch" and "The Pulley" marvell made use of Geometrical and agricultural images.The best example is "To His Coy Mistress" Donne made use almost all type of images in his poetry.This kind of practice was and experiment for them in which they successfully.

  • Dramatic manner and direct tone of speech is one of the main characteristics of metaphysical poetry,In the starting line of the poem "The Canonization"-there are is given a dramatic starting -
"For God' sake hold your tongue , and let me love".
  • Concentration is an important quality of metaphysical poetry in general and Donne's poetry is particular.In his all poems, the reader is held to one idea or line of argument. Donne's poems are brief and closely woven. In "The Extasie", the principle argument is that the function of man as a man is being worthily performed through different acts of love. He continues with the theme without digression. For example ,
"As 'twixt two equal armies, Fate
Suspends uncertain victorie,
Our souls,(which to advance their state,
Were gone out,)hung 'twixt her and me".

  • Wit is another characteristic of metaphysical poetry. So, here we find various allusion and images relating to practicality all areas of nature and art and learning to medicine, cosmology,contemporary discoveries, ancient myth, history, law and art .For instance, in "The Ecstacy", Donne uses the belief of the blood containing certain spirits which acts as intermediary between soul and body -
"As our blood labours to get
Spirits, as like souls, as it can,
Because such fingers need to knit
That subtle knot,which makes us man:"

In the same poem, the Ptolemaic system of astrology is also used when he says -

"...We are
The intelligence, they the sphere."

  • Usage of satire and irony is another characteristic of metaphysical poetry . Donne also uses this in his poems.For example, in "Canonization", there is subtle irony as he speaks of the favoured pursuits of people - the lust for wealth and favours.
"Take you a course, get you a place,
Observe his honour, or his Grace".

  • Platonic Love :

Platonic love is one of the characteristic of metaphysical poetry. We can say that Plantonic love means, spiritual love, which is free from elements of physical love.

  • Originality :

All the metaphysical poets has original and unique in their thoughts and idea. They stood against their contemporary poets. They followed their own way of wrinting poetry instead follows path of their contemporary poets.

  • Metaphysical Poets :
  • Metaphysical Poets
  1. John Donne
  2. Henry Vaughan
  3. Andrew Marvell
  4. John Cleveland
  5. Abrahim Cowley
  6. George Herbert
  7. Richards Crashaw
  8. Edward Benlowes

  • John Donne As Metaphysical Poets :

John Donne was the most original and the Father of the Metaphysical School of poetry . His poetry is revolutionary. His style is original.His images are personal. He replaces passion, sentiment and sensuality with wit, elegance and realistic tone. He also used hyperboles.

Donne's poems can be divided into three groups-

# Love Poems#
#Divine Sonnet#

In satires, Donne is highly witty and in love poems highly realistic. The first point which strikes a reader reading his love poetry is surprising directness of the speaking voice and diction;

"For God's sake hold your tongue and me love"

His love poetry is highly dramatic and it seems he is talking to his beloved and is never sentimental. His poet "The Sun Rising "is a highly colloquial in tone and dramatic in presentation. Similarly in "Sweetest Love I Do Not Go For Wearing Of Thee" has originality which comes out in the careful subtlety of the poem's argument.He was a conscious artist and avoids conventions,fluency of movement and courtliness of diction.

In ornament way we can say that he is the man who established his poetic style and that’s for he called as “Metaphysical poet”.
  • John Donne’s Poems :

John Donne was well known for his Metaphysical poetry;

Metaphysical poetry by John Donne
  1. The Sun rising
  2. The Flea
  3. Death, be not proud
  4. Sweetest Love
  5. The Ecstasy
  6. The Dream

Let us discuss John Donne’s Metaphysical poetry .

  • The Sun Rising”

The Sun rising is a well known poem of John Donne it is addressed to the Sun by a lover who is in the company of his beloved. The lover expresses his concern for his beloved by addressing this poem to the Rising Sun. The present poem is also a good example of metaphysical poetry. The poem open with the, lovers rebuke to the rising sun. The rising sun peeps into the badroom of this lover through windows and curtains the lover doesn’t like it . He want to convince the sun that the seasons and climate of lovers can not be governed by the sun. Lovers care for neither season not climate. The lover in this poem belives that all units of time just
likemoments,minute,hours,day,month and years are nothing but the rags of time. A true lover never cares for such rags of time. The lover advisese the rising sun to go away and show his command on let school boys,workers,officers of the court and farm laboures his command with work on this people but not on lovers. The word of lovers is completly different and it has nothing to do with the rising of the sun.

In the next stanza of the poem the lovers compars shine of the eys office beloved and the shine of the sun the lover maintions that the sun is not half so happy as he is in the compny of his belovd. He suggests the rising sun to take a trip of the whole world and to make a survey whether spices of india are more beautiful or his beloved. The lover is confident that the shine of his beloved’s eyes is powerful enough to blind the sun. In brife the lover considers his beloved superior to the rising sun.

The thired and the concluding stanza of the poem is a comparision between the political empire of king and the empire of love. He is of the opinion that he himself is the king and his beloved is his empire. John Donne has made remarkable use of Far Fatched images in his presents poem “The rising sun”.

  • Sweetest Love , I Do Not Go #

"Sweetest Love I Do Not Go "analysis shows that it is from the collection of "Love Poem"of John Donne .In this poem, he is addressing to his wife Anne Moore. The theme of the poem is parting; therefor, the poet consoles his wife. Poet was departing for Europe in 1611. This poem is an expression of those feeling, which he has experienced when he wan away from his wife. Donne was gravely in love with her. It seems that she is unable to differentiate between parting and death. Death is also a kind of parting from near and dear ones;therefor,the situation of departing is also not different from death. However, the poet consoles his wife while saying that she should not become tearful and should face this situation.
  • Death , be not proud (Holy sonnet) :

Death be not proud is a very popular holy sonnet of John Donne. The present sonnet is addressed by the poet to death itself. The attempt of the poet is to nullify fear of death by writing fourteen lines on death.

Generally speaking most of the people considerd death mighty and dengerous, frighting and very painful experience of life but the poet reacts all together in a diffrent way tp death. In the very opening the poet clearifys that death is neither,mighty nor dreadful. Death itself may think that it ends life of the people but in reality those people do not die death can never end eternal life of people .The poet considers death nothing more than a transitory pause in the eternal life. He belives that death is nothing more than rest and sleeps. If the poet has to broak picture of the death, he would to draw the picture of a person enjoying sounds sleep and rest that means death offers sleep and rest to mankind so it great pleasure should be derived from death .

  • To be concluding :

we can say that in love there is , “ silence better than words” the pure love that no one can destroy and the immortally going way to their love at first sight it’s always be there like forever. At present, including all the details, fact and examples the idea is clear of metaphysical poetry, “Donne is almost undisputed, the quintessential metaphysical poet. If none other is read, Donne is generally recommended for a reader to get a good idea of what metaphysical poetry is all about”.

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