Friday, 23 August 2019

Post Truth : Sunday Reading

Sunday Reading task given by Dr. Dilip Barad sir Click here to know detaile about this task.

  • Definition of  The Term Post - Truth :
The meaning of the term Post - Truth is that relating to a situation in which people are more likely to accept an argument based on their emotion and beliefs, rather than one based on fact. "In this era of post - truth politics, it's easy to cherry-pick data and come to whatever conclusion you desire"

  • Post - Truth 

Post - Truth is a new word, it has been chosen as the word of the year for 2016 by the chosen as the word of the year for 2016 by the Oxford English Dictionary. Post- Truth is a compound word,which is a word comprised of two words joined together to create a new word with a new meaning of the term Post - Truth, where it comes from and some examples of its use in sentences.

Post-Truth describes a situation in which the important of actual facts is supplanted by appeals to emotion and personal prejudices in influencing public opinion. The prefix post -means after , though beginning in the 1970s it began to be use to designate a time when something becomes irrelevant . An example of this use is the word post-truth was popularized with the 2004 publication of the book The Post-Truth Era , written by Ralph Keyes. The term post-truth is most often used in the term Post-Truth Politics, a political philosophy which stresses emotion and personal prejudices over objective fact or specific policy. A related term is Post-Truth. 

  • Examples : 

The Guardian Australia's Katharine Murphy put it this way : "We've been drifting,in increments, in the direction of post-truth, but the election of Trump is a headfirst pitch over the cliff."

We are witnessing the results of a widespread trend, summed up by the epithet "post-truth politics", that can be understood through studies of disinformation in Putin's Russia.

The election of an American president who routinely lies and the success of Brexit after a campaign full of falsehoods suggest we're in a post-Truth world, writes Roy Greenslade for The Guardian.

  • Post-Truth and Philosophy : 

We live with truth all around us and yet some people readily embrace lies. Everywhere you turn among the academics and pundits, we constantly are fed a stream of rhetoric about how we live in a "post-truth" world. Somehow, as the narrative goes, we have given up on the notion that words can mirror reality.

There have been many attempts to define what "post-truth" actually is.some simply describe it as the new era where truth just doesn't matter or that people can spread lies without being called to task. however,it's more nuanced than that .

There is a term used in proposition logic called "truth value". I think this is term is important because it points to the root of what's wrong today in our discourse, whether it's a "debate" among pundits on cable show, arguments with relatives. When we have an opinion about a particular topic, we try to being correct . Without verifying those facts underpinning our viewpoint, one can find themselves defenseless position. Click here to learn more about post-truth and philosophy.

Everyone has different perspective to judge same things it is their opinion not fact. we have see the above image about opinion not a fact. 

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