Monday, 29 July 2019

Thinking Activity : Renaissance Literature

Here is my answer compare and contrast characteristic of renaissance age with other ages. Task Given by Dr.Dilip Barad sir Head of English department

In the earlier times,literature was dominated by the spirit of religion and blind faith.However in the Renaissance age,institutions were questiond and took the cognitive level of human mind to new heights.The Renaissance was a cultural movement that initially began in Florence,Italy but later spread throughout Europe.It started around 1350 and ended around 1600.The word Renaissance means 'Rebirth' or'Revival'. During the Renaissance,people experienced changes in art,learning and many other things.

Comparison between Elizabethan age and victorian age.
( Elizabethan era  1550 to 1620) 

Elizabethan age is known as Golden period in history of England and english literature.This period witnessed a greater advancement in science ,arts,life of people.According to W.J.long the period from 1550 to 1620 was the duration of Elizabethan age.The Period of Queen of Elizabethan reign  England is rightly called "The Golden period" in the history of England and also in the history of english literature.Queen Elizabeth seemed one of the best rulers of English nation.In literary terms this period is considered as the period of  'Renaissance'. We know that the meant Re-birth or revival. In this age,there was rebirth or revival of Greek and Italian culture,learning,literature art painting etc..It was the period of awakening for knowledge and advancement. The Elizabethan Age refers to the period of Elizabethan 1 reign and is characterized by vigorous intellectual thinking and age of Adventurous and discovery,a time in which new ideas and new experience .The period revolutionized many aspects of English life,most significantly literature.

(Victorian era 1850 to 1900)

According to W. J. Long the period from 1850 to 1900 was the duration of the victorian Age.victoria became a Queen,in 1837. We notice that both of era Elizabethan and victorian era the rural is Queen. It is a Age of Democracy,it is an age of popular education,of religious tolerance,and profound social unrest.Education developed in both of Age.Victorian age is especially remarkable because of its rapid progress in all the arts and sciences and in mechanical invention.The victorian era was specifically British and marked a sort of golden age for many British citizens.

   Drama & prose and Novel:- 
During the Elizabethan age,drama made a swift and wonderful leap into maturity.The drama reached the splendid perfection in the hand of Shakespeare and ben jonson.Drama was chief literary glory of the Elizabethan age.The age of Elizabethan literature turned instinctively to the drama and brought it rapidly to the highest stage of its development.William Shakespeare is one of the famous dramatists during the Elizabethan age.

The victorian age is essentially the age of prose and novel.The forms of the literature,namely poetry and novel ,the victorian prose was also informed by the spirit of realism.The age produced many poets,and two who deserve to rank among the gretest,nevertheless this is emphatically an age of prose.It is the age of the newspaper,the magazine,and the modern novel.The great novelists like Dickens,Thackeray,George Eliot,generally leave us with a larger charity and with a deeper faith in our humanity. Literature, both in prose and in poetry ,seems to depart from the purely artistic standard,of art for arts sake, and to be actiated by a definite moral purpose.

The victorian believed that literature had to "instruct"society.It was the purpose of the writer to teach,through stories the proper way to be a person.The victorian novel wasn't as open-ended as Elizabethan poetry or drama;ther was a clear message in every story.

English was spoken in both eras,but we are more likely to pick up a book that was actually published in the victorian era and understand it.Many Shakespeare books today will have modern English and the English of the Elizabethan and,Carly,Stuart eras.

During the Elizabethan Era,The education of women depended on which class they belonged to,the women from rich and nobel families were sometimes permitted to undergo education.Education was normally at home home due to lack of girl's school's.Girl's were rarly allowed in any place of education other than petty school's.

Victorian women also typically stayed at home.Education Acts in 1850and 1878 required compulsory education for girl's it did not help much working class girl was educated in domestic skills,while some middle class girl's got a more formal education.It was still believed that girl's do not need advanced skills since their eventual role would be to take care of a family.common women did not get any formal education and the main focus was learning domestic chores,victorian women were typically taught singing,piano playing,and sewing skills learn were in line with other domestic role.In both Elizabethan and victorian era,women were not treated equally to men.

#Brief note on Thomas Hardy#

Thomas Hardy

(Victorian writer,
1840 to 1928)

Born:  June 2,1840 Upper

Died:   January 11,1928(aged 87)

Occupation:  Novelist,poet and short story writer.

Literary period:   Victorian era

Spous:  Emma Gifford
Florence Dugdale

Nationality: English,British.

Thomas Hardy is as the greatest English novelist of victorian time.He was the eldest son of Thomas Hardy and Jemmima Hardy.His father was a stonemason and builder;his mother passed on her love of reading and book to her son.He received good education and became an articled pupil with an architect.Later he became an assistant to a well-known architect in London.when he was the student at the college,he wrote number of poems.At that time,he became interested in two major problems of that time viz.the conflict between science and religion and social and political rights of women.By the time he was thirty,he decided to abandon the profession of an architect.He also decided to devote himself to literature.Hardy spent the greater part of his life in writing the novels and finally poetry.He also tried to write a dramatic epic'THE DYNASTS'.Hardy as a novelist overshadowed Hardy, the poet.

  • Hardy was a religion novelist:  

He wrote about the part of the country which he knew well.Dorset was his home country which lies in southern England.The Wessex the name which he gives to the locale of his novel.He landscape is almost as important in Hardy's novels as the characters.

  • Hardy was a pessimist:

He portrays human life with is pathos,its humour,its tenderness,its strength and even its nobility.The World which Hardy depicts is one controlled by a senseless and cruel fate.In his preface to 'Tess',he quotes from King Lear " As flies to wanton boys,are we to the Gods,they kill us for their sport." 

  • The major works of Hardy:

The important works of Hardy are as follow:

1. Under the Greenwood Tree(1872).

2. A pair of Blue Eyes(1873).

3.Far from the Madding Crowd(1874).

4.The Return of The Native(1878).

5.Tess of the D' Urbervilles(1891).

6. Jude The Obscure(1895).

7.The Woodlanders.

8. The mayor of Casterbridge.

9.Desperate Remedies.

10. Wessex poems.

11.The poor Man and the lady.

Thank you.........

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Movie screening

#Movie screening#
"Article 15"
Department of English


         5 July,2019 was memorable day for me because that day we all students of English department went to watch movie 'Article 15' .This academic movie screening organised by Dilip sir Barad head of English department mkbu(Bhavnager)and collaboration with'Tanishq  Jewellery'' The movie 'Article 15' is a Indian crime drama directed by ANUBHAV SHINHA and written by GAURAV SOLANKI.

What is Article 15?


One question raised in our mind ,why Anshuman Sinha choose the title'Article 15'?The film based on Article 15 of the Indian Constitution, which prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion,race,cast,sex or inspired by multiple true life events including 2014 BADAUM GANG RAPE ALLEGATIONS and 2016 and FLOGGING incident.Article 15 released Theatrically on 28 june 2019 and received critically acclaimed reviews from critics.

Ayushman khurrana played vital role in the movie.He was Brahmin hero and police officer.The movie began with interesting song.

कहब त लाग जाइ धक से
कहब त लाग जाइ धक से
बड़े बड़े लोगन के महला-दुमहला
और भइया झूमर अलग से
हमरे गरीबन के झुग्गी-झोपड़ीया
आंधी आए गिर जाए घड़ से
बडे़ बड़े लोगन के हलुआ पराठा
और मिनरल वाटर अलग से 
हमरे गरीबन के चटनी औ रोटी
पानी पीएं बालू वाला नल से
कहब त लाग जाइ धक से
This song describes reality of our society.Anubhav sinha's film is one of the strongest indictments of caste system in recent cinema.

Foreign return Ayan Ranjan,an upright IPS officer is given charge of the LALGAON police station in the rural heartland of India.In the village of LALGAON,three teenage girls go missing.Ayan's colleagues,Manoj pashwa and Kumud mishra tell him the girls will turn up.But the next morning,when two of them are found hanging from a tree,it confirms that something horrible has happened to them.The film makes the audience really look at how these things play out in society.

Director Anubhav sinha once again showcases his composed assurance by putting forward a socially relevant issue and skilfully blends it with mainstream filmmaking. While his last film'Mulk' focused on Islam phobia by arguing against the,common prejudice;In 'Article 15 'he shows the horrors of caste biased societal norms.Sinha gives a meticulously composed drama which establishes a tenses atmosphere from the start and keeps the viewer engaged throughout.The twists and shocks of this story are delivered with emotionl precision,each one landing like a heavy punch in the gut,making every minute crackle with intensity.

The relevant political subtext is the most interesting aspect of the film.which surprisingly works well as unexpected deadpan comedy.The Interaction between smart and unpredictable character is the main focus and certain situations are rightly peppered with winning wit and humour.The film is shot in the outskirts of delhi, and cinematographer Ewan mulligans has evocatively captured the spirit of these places.The gloomy atmosphere effect of the cinematography goes with the gritty subject of the film.

The good acting intensifies the drama,with Ayushman khurana's remarkable performance making a worthy centerpiece.It's rare to see a protagonist who's so gently human,so righteously patriotic, and so believable.And Ayushman encapsulates all these qualities in his performance with par excellence.Isha Talwar ,who plays Ayushman's wife,performs her role with required restraint and nuance.

NISHAD meanwhile,plays a genius who gave up a bright career to becam a rebel leader championing the cause of lower caste Dalits.He gets very few scenes,but his cameo appearance has a powerful presence.Ayan meets Nishad and try to convince for his help.Nishad said that,

"मे ओर तुम इन्हें दिखाई नहीं देते....
हम कभी हरिजन हो जाते हैं...
कभी बहुजन हो जाते हैं.....
बस जन नही बन पा रहे हैं....
कि जन गन मन में हमारी भी गिनती हो जाए।"

"इनसाफ कि भिख मत मांगो....
बहुत मांग चुके।"

"वो इस किताब की नही चलने देते
जिसकी ए शपथ लेते हैं।"

"मे रायटर बनना चाहता था..और साइन्टीसट भी..
फिर सोचा कि शायद साइंस का रायटर बन जाऊँगा।
कुछ भी न हुआ साला।कयौकि पैदा जहां हुआ वहां पैदा होना ही एक भयानक एकसीडेंट जैसा था।"

Nishad is right Anubhav Sinha draw the picture of our society.we can see that how upper class judge and behave with lower cast people.

Ayan investigates third girl pooja.He find out her in jungle and hospitalised her.The end of the movie reality comes outside that the main police officers BHARMADATT,ANSHU and NISHAL SINGH did rape with girls.Here we can see that how the police system connected with crime.

Ayan said his sir that,

"ये तीन लड़कीया अपनी दिहाडि में सिर्फ तीन रुपये ऐकस्टरा मांग रही थी..३ रुपये...जो आप मिनरल वाटर पी रहे हैं..उसके दो या तीन धुंट के बराबर..उनकी इस गलती की वजह से उनका रेप हो गया सर..उनको मार दिया गया ताकि पुरी जात को उनकी ऊकात याद रहे।"

They rape three girls only the demand of three rupees and then two girls hanged on tree rather than throw in lake because of lower caste people learn that they are not free from to do everything.We know that something happened wrong around us but we don't take voice against them,why?

 I like one dialog of Ayan when he himself go in lake for investigation and he said that,

"कभी कभी ब्राह्मणो को भी उतरना होगा।"

At the end of the movie BHRAMADTT arrested with a 10 year jaild.Other satirical point on language.we see the conversation between Ayan and Shastrijee in hindi and in english both and the conversation of Ayan with Amali who worked in his home.

Overall, 'Article 15' is a gripping social thriller anchored by excellent performance and a strong script that's rich in social commentary with Anubhav Sinha's straightforward and unflashy directorial style,the film proves to be an effective drama.

Thank you.....

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Thinking Activity : Aristotle vs Plato

  Here is my answer of thinking activity which is given by our professor Dilip Barad sir(mkbu bhavnager)

  #Aristotle and Plato's objection#


 Q-1   How far do you agree with Plato's objection to freedom of expression and artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writers?
        Yes I agree with Plato's objection to freedom of expression and artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writers.Freedom of expression is more important for creative writers.If we want to live freedom of life then we should follow Aristotle's views,But plato is right because there are so many T.V. Serial,movie are creating bad impressions in our mind and society.
         There are some T.V serials and movies  like khatroke khiladi, Balveer, Spiderman all things people try at their home and that is not good for them.Sometimes it's dangerous for people.This all imaginative thing's dangerous for both children and young people.

Q-2 with reference to the literary texts you have studies during B.A. Program,write brife note on the text which follow Aristotelian literary tradition.


     During my B.A.I have study many tragic drama.Shakespeare's tragedies like" Hamlet" ,"Othello"," king Lear",and" Macbeth".These are the four great tragedies follow the Aristotelian tradition.In which during my B.A. I have study tragic play "Othello"

 Aristotle's design of the classic tragedy one can observe the artistic quality of Othello that brings out a clear understanding of the tragic hero.

Aristotle defines tragedy as,
     "The imitation of an action that is 
serious and also has moving                     
  magnitude,complete in itself;
       In a appropriate and pleasurable a dramatic rather   
       than narrative from ;with 
       Incidents arousing pity and fear,
       Where with to accomplish a 
       Catharsis of emotion"( Aristotle).

  This are unique qualities which can be found in Othello.The story begins with the main character and protagonist Othello,an African General for the Venice Armey .Othello has just married his  wife Desdimona .
Throughout the play Othello is challenged by Iago who works under him.Iago provides the drama;he represents the antagonist who is destined to ruin Othello and his marriage nothing good becomes of this play. By the end of this tragedy both Othello and Desdemona are dead. The drama that is revealed throughout stair the audience and their emotional senses.As idicated Aristotle's definition, The drama remains "serious".

       " A catharsis is a purging or
         Cleaning of a 
         tragedy this is often a moment
         Of revelation."

Q-3 with reference to the literary texts you have studies during B.A.

Program,write brief note on the text which did not follow Aristotelian literary tradition?

        Shakespeare definitely followed some of Aristotle's ideas,but not all of them or not consistently.


        Also in play like Romeo and Juliet. It does not even attempt to follow the Aristotelian tragedy.This tragedy is about a man and woman deeply in love with one another.Their love could be interpreted as though is a long stretch.Their love is attacked by external forces however.The tragedy in this play is not tragic flaws within the protagonist but in the circumstances.Romeo and Juliet and other such play end with either the death or permanent separation of the lovers.

Q-4   Have you studies any tragedies during B.A.Program?who was the tragic protagonist in those tragedy?


In my B.A .Program.I studied many tragic play.In which"Othello" is my one of favorite tragic play written by William Shakespeare.First preformed around 1604.Othello is protagonist of this play.we feel all these things like humartia,tragic flaws,eror of judgment.In the end of the play Othello kills his wife Desdemona.He don't think he doing action than he came to know that his wife is innocent than he felt guilty and he kills himself.We feel pity for Othello.

    Q-5  Did the plot of those tragedies follow necessary rules and regulations proposed by Aristotle?

   Yes the plot of those tragedies follow necessary rules and regulations proposed by Aristotle like chain of cause and effect principle of probability and necessity, harmonious arrangements of incident,unity of action etc...For example,the plot of Hairy Ape as harmoniously built.We can observe the chronology of scene.As the first action takes plays at fire room and the ultimate setting is the cage of"Gorilla"that describes the struggle of Yank.

                                                   Here  we conclude with all things one perspective Plato's objection and other perspective Aristotle views are right,because in this age people want to freedom and live creative life.

Thank you......