Monday, 30 December 2019

Cultural Studies : Workshop by Dr. Kalyani Vallath

Hello Readers! 

This blog is about workshop on cultural studies by kalyani vallath.

Workshops  : Cultural Studies  by Kalyani  Vallath

27 December 2019 we have attended workshop on cultural studies at department of English Maharaja krishanakumarsinhji bhavnagar University. One day workshop organized by Dr. Dilip Barad head of English department. Dr. Kalyani Vallath is highly passionate teacher from Trivandrum, Kerala. She taught us about cultural studies, various theories and theorist. Her way of teaching is really appreciate. She has marvelous voice and personality. 

Kalyani ma'am gave many knowledge about cultural studies and gave many examples. Cultural studies is very difficult subject but she taught us in very easily and  interesting way.  She taught us, 

##An introduction of Cultural Studies##
  • What is Cultural Studies 
  • The Beginning of Cultural studies 
  • Frankfurt School 
  • Institute for Social Research. Of Frankfurt 
  • Critical Theory 
  • Hegelian Dialectical method 
  • Dialectic of Enlightenment 
  • What is Enlightenment 
  • Why has Enlightenment failed 
  • Cultural industry
  • New left in Britain 
  • Center for contemporary Cultural Studies 
  • ##The Pioneers ##
  • Richard Hoggart(1918-2014)
  • E. P. Thompson 
  • Raymond William 
  •  Cultural materialism 
  • ##Stuart Hall (1932-2014)##
  • Mode of communication 
  • Encoding and Decoding 
  • Cultural Representation 
  • ##Circuit of Cultural##
  • Production 
  • Consumption 
  • Identity 
  • Regulation
  • Signification 
  • ##Major Influence##
  • Michel Foucault 
  • Archeology and Genealogy 
  • Power /knowledge 
  • Episteme and Dispositif
  • Discipline% and Training of Docile bodies 
  • Pierre Bourdieu 
  • Cultural intermediaries 
  • Black Atlantic 
  • Edward Soja 
  • Popular culture studies 
  • Subculture studies 
So,  cultural studies is very huge topic. Kalyani ma'am very interestingly taught us everything about cultural studies. We all enjoyed her lecture. After attended workshop we have task on cultural studies..

Q - 1  What is your understanding about the concept of Cultural Studies?

Cultural study is about the interdisciplinary study. Cultural studies is relates to larger community or society. India is the best place for talking about culture , because India has huge community. Cultural studies is an innovative interdisciplinary field of research and teaching that investigates the ways in which "culture" creates and transforms individual experiences, everyday life, social relations and power. People belongs to different culture. Cultural studies is study about politics, history, media, philosophy, economics, social realities etc.. When we learn about culture we came to know that how culture transforms individual experiences, social realities and power relation. Kalyani ma'am  explained it in her own individual experience. Cultural studies developed as a reaction against Liberal humanism and orthodox Marxism. Culture has both a material and a metaphysical substance. The material is what is found in an archaeological site or simply observed in the material world in which people.It is metaphysical in the sense that there is a uniqe set of purposeful meanings for carrying out and achieving the members of the social system.

Q - 2 How would you explain a layman about Cultural studies

According to Matthew Arnold, cultural studies is about perfection. He talk about high culture. Cultural study is against of Arnold and F.R. Levis. Cultural study is concern with ordinary people .The different groups may have different cultures.

Q - 3 If you are asked in interview to teach cultural studies. How  would you introduced it? 

If l have asked how to introduce cultural studies  then my answer is that cultural studies is an discipline which combines political economy, communication, sociology, social theory,  literary theory,  media theory,  film studies,  cultural anthropology philosophy,  art history, criticism etc.  Cultural studies is an innovative interdisciplinary field of teaching that investigates the ways in which culture creates and transforms individual experiences, everyday life,  social relations and power.

Q -4. How many examples from the sessions were so catch that you will never forgot?

There are many example given by kalyani ma'am during session.Cultural studies transform individual experiences.She gave her own example. When she is traveling to abroad. She tested different food and her expression  I never forgotten.

We watch some videos during session. We watch short video of the movie 'Charlie Chaplin'. One since we can see that in machinal culture people has no value, labor has no value. This is express man vs machinal culture. There are no relationship. How machine are devalue of man.

Overall workshop we have learn lots of things and its very helpful us to appear in exam. Thanks to Dr. Kalyani ma'am to taught us  about cultural studies. Thanks to Dilip barad sir for organised this workshop.

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Sunday Reading : Shashi Tharoor's An Era of Darkness

Hello Readers! 

The famous and prestigious Sahitya Akademi Awards for 2019 are announced.  The Award in English language category is awarded in "Creative non-Fiction" category to Shashi Tharoor's An Era of Darkness. Our task is to watch interviews of Shashi Tharoor on this blog given by Dilip Barad Sir and write our response to it. 

  •  Shashi Tharoor 

Shashi Tharoor is an Indian politician, writer and a former international diplomat. Shashi Tharoor was born on 9 March 1956 in London, United Kingdom to Chandran Tharoor and Sulekha menon, a malayali couple hailing from mangalore, karnataka. He revived Sahitya Akademi award 2019  for his non-fiction work An Era of  Darkness.

  • An Era of Darkness :

Shashi  Tharoor argues that British rules had no redeeming features. 

Shashi Tharoor latest,  An Era of Darkness,  is one breathless read.  In it, he aggregates all the arrangements required to establish that British Colonial rules was an awful experience for Indians and he does so with a consummate debater's skill. His book is, in fact, an expanded take on British exploitation of India that famously carried the day for Tharoor in an Oxford debate not too long ago. Tharoor told that how the Britishers rules on India. 

Watching interview of Shashi Tharoor. Click here. 

  • Speech at Oxford Union 
  • Looking Back at the British Raj in India : The university of Edinburgh 
  • Exclusive interview by karan Thapar on his Book "An Era of Darkness "
  • About British colonialism in India in his new book 'An Era of Darkness'.

  1. Shashi Tharoor Speech at Oxford Union :

Shashi Tharoor told about the British rules in India. We can to know that how Britishers crualy rules on India.

Development of Railway In India :

Before I listen speech of shashi Tharoor I believe that Railways or rode made by Britishers for development of India. But when I listen Tharoor's speech I came to know that British made railway or rode for their own benefits. Railway was built to serve British. They were designed to carry raw materials from into spot shift to Britain and the fact is Indian, American and other colonial public they needs were incidental transportation they demands for transport. Instead in fact India railway was built the massive insetive offer by Britain .So that how Britishers made railway for their own benefit to transport many things in British. 

Exclusive interview  Dr. Shashi Tharoor on his Book "An Era of Darkness" The British Empire in India. 

In his book he said about injustice. All the arrangements is against of the British Empire in India. He told about partition of Hindu and Muslim. Hindu and Muslim was divided by Britishers. Britishian create partition Bengal. Deliberately they want to separate Muslim majority part of bangol and makes different kind of politics them.  The Britishers made systematic effort to separate between to community Hindus and Muslim. The binary of Hindus and Muslim was created by the British. 
  • Five ways we would've been better off if we hadn't been colonised. 
  1. The British wrecked our industries 
  2. Colonial Rule worsened poverty and landlessness
  3. Famines were 'British induced '
  4. Partition 
  5. Colonisation of The Indian mind. 

In this video he thiks so many counterfactual is always impossible to prove because what happened happened but the fact is that we had the nucleus mean certainly as he has demonstrated in the book three industries of ours which were radio doing very well .

1. Textiles 
2. Steel and
3. Shipbuilding
All this three were systematically and deliberately targeted destroyed and dismantled. The British now the counters argument that give us all modern technology would have overtaken all left behind anyway and he say because we would have found ways of coping. If we were free but you were the ones making the rules so textiles if you make it impossible to ship Indian textiles to other countries by posing imposing punitive tariffs and ship into English goods to India by having  
Practically no tariffs at all he meant no free country would have tolerated that but in practice naturally you destroy. 

Thank you...

Monday, 23 December 2019

Thinking Activity : John Keats

Hello Readers!

In our syllabus we have paper of Romantic Literature in which one unit about John Keats and we learned about his poem. His poem about death.So, we have task about how Death is generally dealt by other writes in literature. First we discuss about john Keats and his poem on death and than we discusses about   how death is generally dealt by other writers.Task given by Dr.  Hinama'am zala professor of English department. 

When we listen the word "Death" We afraid that something wrong happen with us and our beloved person. People don't want listen and talk about death.   Death is reality cycle  of our life.We know that one day death come than why we feel fear about  death?  people afraid about death.we are afraid about our beloved death whome we love. Death one time came in our life.  Why we are not accept reality of life. People don't want to talk about death. But we can see that in literature writers have some kind of fascination towards death. In various form of literature we can see that many writer use theme of death. Death is most favourite and beloved subject for writer. Death is law of nature we can not disturb it, if we try to do it then it lead us to our destruction

Literary descriptions of death are thus not merely preoccupied with the painful scene of dying or individual loss, but the concept of death can be understood more widely as a site of many projections and fantasies and as metaphor of many social issues. Literature can also discuss death through metaphors and characterisation. Literature can provide us with ways of approaching death and imagination it from different perspectives. Some literary genres (elegies) are intentionally written as reactions to the loss of a loved object or a person, and literature can act as consolation to those who are suffering. In literature death exists at many levels: it is part of the narrations, imagery, metaphors and character traits: it reaches outside literature's own realm and discusses death-related social issues and emotions that are recognisable for the reader.   

  • John Keats 

John Keats was one of the famous romantic poet who devoted his short life to the perfection of a poetry marked by vivid imagery, great sensuous appeal, and an attempt to express a philosophy through classical legend. John Keats was born in London , the eldest of Thomas and Frances Jennings Keats's four children. He was one of the most remarkable English poet. He published only fifty - four poems. Keats has made his mark as a narrative poet, a sonneteer, an a writer of narrative poems of great merit.The poem of Keats are flooded with sensuousness. Keats Ode to a Nightingale is considered one of the finest odes in English literature.  

  • Ode To A Nightingale 

Ode To A Nightingale , the poet attempt to free the "weariness, the fever, and the fret," of our tragic existence, "where youth grows  pale, and spectre-thin, and dies," first through an ecstasy of intoxication and then "on the view less wings of poesy," the mind attempting both to transcend  life and remain aware of itself becomes lost in a dark wild, an "embalmed darkness" of-fleeting sensation that suggests not escape but its very opposite, death. But the nightingale - or ,rather , its song as the imagination elaborates upon it- is immortal, and in "ancient days" belonged to a world of enchantment . It is the same song , "that oft-times hath/charm'd magic casements, opening on the foam / of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn forlorn shocking the poet into awareness. The beauty of an imagined "long ago" suggested by this word turns by a sad pun into a remarkable moment of pained self-consciousness. The bird flies off, and " the fancy cannot cheat so well/As she is fam'd to do , deceiving elf./../was it a vision or a waking dream?/Fled is  that music:-Do I wake or sleep?" The poem ends by dismantling its own illusion.

  • A Dream Of Death : - By William Butler Yeats. 

In this poem narrated is about to recount a dream. By using the word strange to specify how the death took place in a  "Strange Place ", Yeats stresses the importance of begging if he were comfortable with the idea of a foreign land, the word strange would not be utilized. Yeats initially shields the importance of the person who has died, but as the poem progress, the reader becomes aware that the narrator is dreaming about someone who he loves dearly. 

Yeats wrote this poem about the woman he loved Maud Gonne. At the time this poem was written, she was traveling to France. Yeats was afraid trip as she was predisposed to illness. The historic context shows how poem was personal to Yeats; however, the themes are important with or without historic context.

  • Shakespeare's King Lear 
Tragedy typically represents a meaningful and dramatic grand scale death that prolongs the scene of dying,  as is the case in Shakespeare's King Lear The plot of classical, tragedy is based on suffering and the drama often ends in the premature death of the tragic hero combined with the development of some king of self-recognition. In tragedy the meaningful existence of the hero is paradoxically created by his death. Literature offers insights into death, dying and morality in multiple ways. 

We have no reliable information about death as an experience, and this emphasizes Death's nature as a  secret and mysterious event. Death is bitter truth of human life.  Generally people afraid about death. But in literature death is most interesting and beloved topic of writers. 

                       Thank you............ 

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Indian Poetics : Professor Vinod Joshi's expert lecture.

Hello Readers! 

We have expert lecture of one of the famous Indian poet Vinod Joshi on Indian Poetics. Thanks to Dilip Barad Sir for organised this wonderful expert lecture. Based on his lecture we have task to summarise his lecture.

Indian Poetic 

Indian poetic theory is very old and most interesting literary as well as philosophical and cultural discussion of Indian or better to say Sanskrit literature. Sanskrit is regarded as Dev-vani,  not all folk can possess the ability to understand and read Sanskrit literature. Earlier, great Sanskrit scholars had expertise in describing things that are usually hard to observe in nature. The prosperous tradition of Indian aesthetics is said to have begun from Bharat Muni in and around 1st century. As there is Western Criticism  and can be called ' Poetics 'as a proper canon, similarly, in Sanskrit there is a particular canon of Sanskrit criticism which is usually bannered as Kavya Mimansa  and which acts like an umbrella for various schools developed by scholarly thinkers. The various schools or theories in Indian Aesthetics. 

we have noted that Indian literary theories carry out a sustained analysis of how meaning is constituted in language , of forms and devices, of HOW. Beauty is assumed to consist in alamkaratva, the craft or rhetoric of composition. We shall now briefly describe the major theories. 

               સંસ્કૃત  સાહિત્યશાસ્ત્રીઓએ કાવ્યના અનેક વિષયોની ચર્ચા કરી છે અને સૂક્ષ્મમાં સુક્ષ્મ બાબતને પામવાનો પ્રયત્ન તેમના થકી થયો છે. સંસ્કૃત કાવ્ય શાસ્ત્રીઓ દ્વારા કાવ્યને कविताकामिनी  એવું  બિરુદ આપવામાં આવ્યું છે આ કાવ્ય ના સ્વરૂપ વિશે અનેક ચિંતાનો રજુ થયેલા છે. કાવયને જીવંતતા અપનારું કોઈ તત્વ હોવું જોઈએ અને તે ક્યું? તે વિશે અનેક મતમતાતરો જોવા મળે છે. સાહિત્ય શાસ્ત્રમાં કેટલાય વિદ્વાનોએ રસ, અલંકાર આદિન કાવ્યના આત્મા તરીકે સ્વીકાર્યા છે. સાહિત્યશાસ્ત્રમાં આવા 6 સાંપ્રદાયો સાંપ્રદાયો અસ્તિત્વમાં છે.

૧.રસ  સંપ્રદાય.                2. અલંકાર સંપ્રદાય
3. રીતિ સંપ્રદાય.                4. વક્રોક્તિ સંપ્રદાય
5. ध्वनि સંપ્રદાય.               6. ઓચિંત્ય સંપ્રદાય

  1. Rasa 
     Dhanika Dhananjaya 
  1. Alankar 
  1. Riti 
  1. Dhvani 

Abhinavabharati and Locana.
  1. vakrokti 
  1. Guna - Dosa

  1. Aucitya 

1. રસ સંપ્રદાય :

રસને જ કાવ્યનો આત્મા  માંનનારી પરંપરાને રસ સંપ્રદાય તરીકે ઓળખવામાં આવે છે. આચાર્ય ભરતમુનિ તેના પુરસ્કર્તા છે. તેમને નાટ્યશાસ્ત્ર નામના ગ્રંથ ના છઠ્ઠા અધ્યાયમાં રસની ચર્ચા કરી છે. આ રસ સિદ્ધાંત તેમને માત્ર નાટ્ય માટે જ આપ્યો એવું નથી પરંતુ રૂપક અનુસાર સંપૂર્ણ કાવ્યશાસ્ત્રી ની  ચર્ચા કરી છે. તેઓ કહે છે કે  रसप्राणों ही नाट्यविधि।એટલે કે રસ એ જ કાવ્યનું પ્રાણતત્ત્વ છે ભરતમુનિ 8 રસને સ્વીકારે છે નવ રસની સ્વીકૃતિ ભરતમુનિ પછી  કરવામાં આવી છે. ભરતમુનિ નાટ્યમાં શાંતરસ ને સ્વીકારતા નથી. ભરતમુનિ રસ ને વ્યાખ્યાયિત કરતાં કહે છે કે

 विગभवानुभावव्यभिचारीसंयोगद रसनिष्पत्तिः।

 ભરતમુનિનુ આ સૂત્ર સાહિત્ય સંપ્રદાયમાં ઘણું અગત્યનું છે કારણ કે રસ થકી જ કાવ્ય જીવંતતા ને પામે છે આદિ કાવ્ય રામાયણમાં પણ વાલ્મીકિ નો લોક બનીને પ્રગટ થયો છે એટલે કે થાય ભાવ વિભાગ વ્યક્તિની અંદર પ્રથમથી જ પડેલો હોય છે ફક્ત એક ઉદ્દીપક થી બહાર આવે છે માટે જ વિશ્વનાથ પણ કહે છે કે

            वाक्यम रसात्मकं कावयम ।

2. અલંકાર સંપ્રદાય :

કાવ્યશાસ્ત્રના પ્રારંભિક યુગના કવિઓ કાવ્યમાં અલંકાર નું મહત્વ ઘણું દર્શાવે છે. આચાર્ય ભામહ આ સંપ્રદાયના પ્રણેતા છે. આ સિવાય દંડી, રુદ્રટ, વિશ્વનાથ વગેરે અલંકારવાદી આચાર્યો છે. ભામહ દર્શાવે છે કે અલંકાર  જ કાવ્ય નો પ્રાણ તત્વ છે કારણ કે કાવ્ય ગમે તેટલું સુંદર હોય તો પણ અલંકાર વગર શોભતું નથી તેના માટે ભામા કહે છે કે જેમ સ્ત્રીનું મુખ ગમે તેટલું સુંદર હોય તો પણ અલંકાર વગર શોભતું નથી તેનું કાવ્ય પણ અલંકાર વગર શોભાયમાન થતું નથી શબ્દાલંકાર અને અર્થાલંકાર બંનેના મહત્વને સ્વીકારે છે, તો વળી રસવત અલંકાર ને પણ સ્વીકારે છે. આચાર્ય મમ્મટ અલંકારવાદી આચાર્ય છે, જ પરંતુ અલંકાર ની અનિવાર્યતા કાવ્યમાં છે જ એવું નથી એટલે કે ક્યારેક અલંકાર ન હોય તો પણ ચાલી શકે અલંકારો તો કાવ્યની શોભા વધારનારા ધર્મ કે ગુણો છે. આથી મમ્મટ કહે છે કે,

              अनडुकुति पुनः कयापि।
ક્યારેક અલંકાર ન હોય તો પણ ચાલે. માટે અહીં કાવ્યના આત્મતત્ત્વ તરિકે અલંકાર ગણી શકાય નહીં એવું મમ્મટ સિવકારે છે.

અલંકાર ના પ્રકારો

ઉપમા અલંકાર
ઉત્પ્રેક્ષા અલંકાર
શ્ર્લેશ અલંકાર
રૂપક અલંકાર
અપુહનતિ અલંકાર
વિભાવના અલંકાર
વિશેષયોકિત અલંકાર

साधम्यॅमुपमा भेदे ।
અથૉત ભેદ હોવા છતા સાધમ્યૅ હોય તેને ઉપમા અલંકાર કહેવાય છે.
ઉદાહરણ તરીકે
दमयन्तयाः मुखं चंद्र इव सुन्दरं अस्ति।
અથાૅત દમયંતી નુ મુખ ચંદૃ જેવુ સુંદર છે. ઈવ એ ઉપમા પ્રતિપાદક શબ્દ છે.

3. રીતિ સંપ્રદાય - વામનમુનિ

આઠમી સદીમાં થયેલા આચાર્ય વામન રીતિ સંપ્રદાયના પુરસ્કર્તા છે. તેમણે काव्यालंकार सुत्रवुति નામનો ગ્રંથ આપ્યો છે. જે રીતિ સંપ્રદાયને પરિપોષે છે. રીતિ વિશે વાત કરતાં વામન કહે છે કે, रीतिरातमा काव्यसय।એટલે કે રીતિ કાવ્યનો આત્મા છે. તેઓ આગળ વધારતા રીતિને વ્યાખ્યાયિત કરતાં કહે છે કે, विशिष्टपदरचना रीतिः। विशेषो विशेषो गुणात्मा। એટલે કે વિશિષ્ટ પદરચના એ રીતિ છે. અને રીતિએ ગુણનુ વિશિષ્ટ સ્વરૂપ છે. વામનાચાર્ય વૈદેભી, ગૌંડી અને પાંચાલી એ ત્રણ મુખ્ય રીતિ તરીકે સ્વીકારે છે. અને લાઠી તેમજ માગધીને ગૌણ તરીકે સ્વીકારે છે. ભામનાઆચાર્ય અલંકાર ની અપેક્ષા એ રીતિ ને મહત્વ આપે છે. અને રીતિ અંતર્ગત ગુણ જ મુખ્ય છે. એ સ્વીકારે છે કે અલંકાર ને કાવ્યના બહિરંગ સાથે સંબંધ છે. જ્યારે રીતિને અંતરંગ સાથે સંબંધ છે. આથી કાવ્યમાં તેનું મહત્વ ઉત્કૃષ્ટ છે. એવું વામન માને છે.

4. વક્રોક્તિસંપ્રદાય

 આચાર્ય કુંતક આ સંપ્રદાયના પ્રણેતા છે. તેમને.कतिजीवितम નામનો ગંથ સાહિત્ય શાસ્ત્રને આપ્યો છે. તે કહે છે કે કાવ્યમાં છે કંઈ અર્થ સ્પષ્ટ કરવામાં આવે છે . તે રોજબરોજની ક્રિયાઓ કે બિહારની જેમ સીધો પ્રગટ કરવામાં આવતો નથી કાવ્યને ચમત્કૃતિ જનક બનાવવા માટે વક્રોક્તિ અનિવાર્ય તત્વ છે. પરંતુ કુંતક કહે છે કે જો વક્રોક્તિ અલંકાર જ હોય આચાર્ય એક અલંકાર જ ગમે છે પરંતુ કોણ કહે છે કે ક્રોક્તિ નામના alaga સંપ્રદાયની આવશ્યકતા નથી આમ આચાર્ય કુન્દ કાવ્ય તત્વ તરીકે વપરાતી સ્વીકારે છે

5.ધ્વનિસંપ્રદાય  આચાર્ય આનંદવધૅન

ધ્વનિસંપપ્રદાયના પુરસ્કર્તા આચાર્ય આનંદવધૅન છે. તેમને ધ્વન્યાલોકમાં ધ્વનિ વિષયક ચર્ચા કરી છે. કાવ્યશાસ્ત્રના ઇતિહાસમાં આ સંપ્રદાયનું મહત્વ ખૂબ વિશેષ રહેલું છે. આનંદવર્ધન કહે છે કે काव्यास्यात्मा ध्वनि।એટલે કે ધ્વનિ જ કાવ્ય નો આત્મા છે. ધ્વની સંપ્રદાયના અન્વયો માને છે કે શબ્દ, અર્થ, ગુણ  અલંકાર વગેરે બાહ્યય તત્વ છે. જ્યારે ધ્વની અંતરંગ તત્વ છે. જેમ લાવણ્યમયી યુવતી મા  લાવ્ણય મનને પ્રસન્ન કરે છે. પણ આ લાવ્ણય શું છે?  તે સમજી શકાતું નથી. જે જુદા જુદા તત્વથી નિરપેક્ષ એવું કોઈ તત્વ છે. તેજ ધ્વનિ છે. મહાકવિની વાણીમાં રહેલુ વિલક્ષી તત્વ તે જ ધ્વનિ છે. ધ્વનિ એ પ્રતિયમાન અથૅથી વ્યક્ત થાય છે. અને તેને જ કાવ્યમાં ઇષ્ટ મનાયો છે. આ પ્રતિયમાન અથૅ જ રસ તરીકે ધ્વનિ રૂપે પ્રગટે થાય છે. જે વાક્યાથૅથી તદૃન ભિન્ન છે અને તેને કાવ્યપ્રકાશ બાદ મમ્મટે પણ સ્વીકાયૅ છે.

શબ્દની ત્રણ શક્તિઓ

શક્તિ.                     શબ્દ.                  અથૅ

અભિધા                  વાચક                  વાચ્યાથૅ
લક્ષણા                    લક્ષક                  લક્ષયાથૅ
વ્યંજના                   વ્યંજક                 વ્યંગ્યાથૅ

1. અભિધા :

વાચક શબ્દ અભિધા દ્વારા મુખ્યાથૅ આપે છે. સામાન્ય રીતે રોજબરોજના વ્યવહારમાં આપણે જે અર્થ વ્યક્ત કરતા હોય તેને માટે સમર્થ શબ્દનો પ્રયોગ સીધો કરતા હોઈએ છીએ જેમકે આ મારા પપ્પા છે અહીં શબ્દનો અર્થ સીધે સીધો જ મળે છે માટે તે  શબ્દની અભિધા શક્તિ છે.

2. લક્ષણા

કેટલાક વ્યવહાર માં રૂઢીને કારણે એવા શબ્દ પ્રયોગ કરીએ છીએ કે જેનો અર્થ તેના મુખ્ય અર્થ કરતા જુદો જ નીકળતો હોય દાખલા તરીકે મારુ ઘર સ્ટેશન પર છે. આ વાક્યનો સીધો અર્થ ઘર પર સ્ટેશન પર હોવાનો છે. પરંતુ વ્યવહારમાં સ્ટેશન પર કોઈનું ઘર સંભવી શકે નહીં પરિણામે પરંપરા અથવા રૂઢીથી  આપણે તેનો અર્થ સ્ટેશનની નજીક એમ સમજીએ છીએ આવો જ અર્થ પ્રાપ્ત થાય તે લક્ષ્યાર્થ કહેવામાં આવે છે.

3. વ્યંજના

વક્તા જે કાંઈ બોલે છે ત્યારે આમ કહેવા પાછળ વક્તા નો કોઈ આશય હોય છે જેને વ્યંગ્યાથૅ રૂપે પ્રાપ્ત થતા વ્યંજના શક્તિ અને વ્યંજક શબ્દ કહેવાય છે.

6. ઔચિંત્ય સંપ્રદાય ક્ષેમેન્દ્ર આચાર્ય

 આચાર્ય ક્ષેમેન્દ્ર આ સંપ્રદાયના પુરસ્કર્તા છે. અને તેમને ઔચિંત્યનો વિચાર ચર્ચા નામનું પુસ્તક લખ્યું છે. તેઓ કહે છે કે કાવ્ય સૌંદર્ય નુ રહસ્ય શું છે તેનો ઉત્તર આપતા ક્ષેમેન્દ્ર કહે છે કે, કાવ્યની સુંદરતા નુ રહસ્ય ઔચિંત્યનો ત્યાગ કરવો એ જ કવીકમૅ નથી પણ પોતાની કૃતિમાં ઔચિંત્યની માવજત કરવી એ કવિકમૅ અને કવિધર્મ છે.

કાવ્યને ચિરંજીવી કે અમર બનાવવું હોય તો કાવ્યમાં ઔચિંત્ય હોવુ જોઈએ ઔચિંત્ય પૂણૅ રસ, અલંકાર, ધ્વનિ વગેરે તમામનો સમન્વય કાવ્યમાં હોવો જોઈએ. ક્ષેમેન્દ્ર કહે છે કે જેમ પગનુ ઝાંઝર ગળામાં ધારણ ન કરી શકાય કે ગળાનો હાર કટીમેખલા તરીકે વાપરી ન શકાય તેમ દરેક વસ્તુનો ઔચિંત્ય પૂણૅ જ પ્રયોગ થવો જોઈએ. આમ, આચાર્ય ક્ષેમેન્દ્ર સમન્વયકારી આચાર્ય તરીકે જોવા મળે છે.

સંસ્કૃત સાહિત્યશાસ્ત્રીઓએ કાવ્યના અનેક વિષયોની ચર્ચા કરી છે.

Monday, 16 December 2019

Sunday Reading : Know the Author Chimamanda Nagozi Adichie

Hello Readers! 

now I'm going to write about the Chimamanda Negozi Adichie. We have task to listen video's of chimamanda Ngozi adichie and write about what we like or dislike  in her video and why we like or dislike? 

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 

Chimamanda Ngozi is famous novelist,  short story writer and non-fiction writer. She was born in the Enugu city in Nigeria and grow up as the fifth of six children in an 1960 family in the university town of Nsukka in Enugu state. She received bachelor degree from Eastern Connecticut state university. In 2003, she completed a Master's degree in creative writing at Johns Hopkins University. She was awarded a 2011-2012 fellowship by the Radcliffe institute for advanced study, Harvard University. 

  • Works of Chimamanda Ngozi 

Works of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

Short fiction 
  1. Purple Hibiscus  ,2003.
  2. Half of a yellow sun 2006. 
  3. Americanh 2013.
  1. We would all be feminist 2014.
  2. Dear ljeawele, or A feminist manifested in fifteen suggestions, 2017. 
  1. Checking out 2013 
  2. Apollo 2015 
  3. The Arrangements A work of fiction 2016.

  • Talk on importance of story/literature 
In this talk - novelist chamamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding. 

  1. The Danger of single story
  2. We should all be Feminist 
  3. Important of Truth in post truth era 
My thinking activity about my response to the brief talk of Chimamanda Ngozi ....
-Whether you liked or dislike the views?
-why you liked or disliked?
-which views you like or disliked?
-has these views helped in better understanding of literature and life?

   Video 1      Danger of single story

I like the views of chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is that her character are white, playing in snow and eat an apple and the gringer beer in her writing, when she was an age of seven, but she says that she never test ginger beer and no need to talk about weather as well as her people are the chocolate colour and suffering a lot because of poverty and deases like aids there is no treatment facilities, so she is in the favour of African real situation that how they are faced and their people's nature is diferent from western culture or background as well. She also told about how create a single story? she said that show a people one things as only and  that was they became. It is impossible to talk about single story without talking about power. 

yes, these views has helped in better understanding of literature and life. Through this three videos we have better understanding of African people and the Chimamanda's views on Feminist perspectives connect  with her childhood also,  her views on importance of post truth era , which all can help us better understanding of literature and life.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's "The Danger of a Single Story" Ted Talk, in July 2009, explores the negative influences that a “single story” can have and identifies the root of these stories. Adichie argues that single stories often originate from simple misunderstandings or one’s lack of knowledge of others, but that these stories can also have a malicious intent to suppress other groups of people due to prejudice (Adichie). People, especially in their childhood, are “impressionable and vulnerable” when it comes to single stories (Adichie 01:43). Adichie asserts that media and literature available to the public often only tell one story, which causes people to generalize and make assumptions about groups of people.

Adichie shares two primary examples to discuss why generalizations are made. Reflecting on her everyday life, she recalls a time where her college roommate had a “default position” of  “well-meaning pity” towards her due to the misconception that everyone from Africa comes from a poor, struggling background (04:49). Adichie also clearly faults herself for also being influenced by the “single story” epidemic, showing that she made the same mistake as many others. Due to the strong media coverage on Mexican immigration she “had bought into the single story”, automatically associating all Mexicans with immigration (Adichie 08:53). These anecdotes emphasize how stereotypes are formed due to incomplete information, but one story should not define a group of people.

Adichie  also tackles the effect of political and cultural power on stories. Power not only spreads a story, but also makes its ideas persist. Adichie states that power can be used for malintent, through controlling “how [stories] are told, who tells them, when they're told, [and] how many stories are told” (09:25). Using power to manipulate our understanding of others can be evidenced by Adichie’s trip to Mexico, where she realized Mexicans were not the harmful Americans Western media had portrayed them to be. Additionally, influential western stories have caused people like Adichie to have a limited idea of characters that appear in literature, since foreigners were not part of them. This is why the first stories Adichie had written included white characters playing in the snow rather than things reflective of her life in Africa (Adichie 00:39). Adichie explains how she became enlightened through “the discovery of African writers”, which “saved [her] from having a single story of what books are” and becoming another victim of a biased sample of literature (02:36).

Video 2  we should all be Feminist 

An an essay on contemporary feminism, the 64-pages long book is a modified version of the author’s Ted Talk from December 2012 of the same name. Some of her other works include: Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto In Fifteen Suggestions Americanah, and The Thing Around Your Neck. She was awarded the MacArthur Award in 2008.

The Stereotypical Idea Of Feminism And The Word Feminist 

In the book, Adichie openly and eloquently analyses how the idea of feminism and the word feminist are loaded with stereotypes. One of which is how feminism is often considered as western concept — an idea that tries to brainwash females to exert power over males. One has to understand that feminism is about the social, economic and political equality of the sexes. It demands an annihilation of the gender hierarchy and not women’s rule over men as is often misinterpreted. She expounds beautifully on the same.

Thank you...

Adichie, C. N. (n.d.). Transcript of "The danger of a single story". TED.

Adichie, C. N. (n.d.). Transcript of "We should all be feminists". TED. 

Google. (n.d.). Why 'We Should All Be Feminists' By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Is A Mandatory Read. Google.