Thursday, 6 January 2022

Translation Studies Workshop : Vishal Bhadani

Workshop on Translation Studies By Vishal Bhadani

On 3rd January 2022 we have attended workshop on translation study at the department of English M.K.BhavnagerUniversity. We have a paper in our syllabus of : Comparative Literature and Translation Studies so this workshop is helpful to us to understand more in this field. Our guest speaker Vishal Bhadani sir tells us about his love story with translationh. 

Vishal Bhadani 

Mr. Vishal Bhadani holds MA in English, M.Phil in Applied Linguistics. His area of interest is Translation Studies, Resistance Literature and ELT. He has published articles in the domains of Language, Translation, Drama, Film studies etc. As a translator, he has contributed in translating National Institute of Opening Schooling textbooks, Report on Best Education Practices, London University, Post 1970 Gujarati Plays on Social Change under UGC-SAP-DRS-II programme etc. He has been part of preparing training modules for RMSA, GSHEB, Gandhinagar and trained the teacher trainers. After teaching at the Department of English and Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Department of English, Faculty of Arts, The M S University of Baroda, Department of English, Indian Institute of Teacher Education (a state university), Gandhinagar, currently he is teaching Communication Skills and CPD at MEFGI, Rajkot.

Definition of Translation Studies

Translation Studies is the field of study that deals with the theory, description, and application of translation. Because it examines translation not only as interlingual transfer but also as intercultural communication, it can also be described as an interdiscipline which touches on other diverse fields of knowledge, including comparative literature, cultural studies, gender studies, computer science, history, linguistics, philosophy, rhetoric, and semiotics. Translation Studies is often paired with Interpreting, although the two are distinct fields.

Q  : 1  Can  write about translation in term of Metaphors?

Metaphor can be defined as an indirect comparison between two or more apparently unrelated things or subjects. The point of similarity ‘may be physical but often it is chosen for its connotations’ (Newmark, 1988, p.85).

Vishal Bhadani sir told that Love is one metaphor. He told about his most 7 favorite metaphors for translation Studies.


  • 1 Metaphor of Ganesha's Head

Vishal sir told about the metaphor of Ganesha's Head. In this visual we can see that the shiva put the Head of Elephant on Ganesha's head so here the had of ganesha was not original but similar head of  elephant . If we can find original word or particular word we can use another similar word 
  • Metaphor of Khevat 

We all are familiar with this scene in Ramayan. Rama was sitting and kevat was washed his leg. Here we can see this visual metaphor of translation Studies.  Rama is  a text and Khevat is translator and the lady is a dictionary.  So here dictionary is most important for translation Studies. 

  • Metaphor of Nature 

Third metaphor is natur. We can seee the moon in this visual.  The moon's calmness is the translation of the sun's light. 

Q : 2 What according to yoy in the most difficult aspect of practical translation?

Translation of any work it's a very difficult. Vishal sir gave a worksheet to us and we have to translate it. Below the worksheet question which I have try to translate. 

👉 Practical Translation Worksheet 

Translation Task-A Translate in English

Q : āŠ–ાāŠēીāŠŠો  

Ans : Solitude, 

Translation Task-B Translate in Gujarati 

Q : Eating is same as food - 

Ans :     āŠœāŠŪāŠĩા āŠ…āŠĻે āŠ–ોāŠ°ાāŠ• āŠāŠ• āŠ›ે.

Translation Task-C

Make most of it

 Ans : āŠŪāŠđāŠĪāŠŪ 

Translation Task-D Translate in English 

āŠ†āŠŠ āŠķ્āŠ°ી āŠĶ્āŠĩાāŠ°ા āŠ‰āŠŠāŠ°ોāŠ•્āŠĪ āŠŠāŠĪ્āŠ°āŠŪાં āŠœે āŠ°āŠœૂāŠ†āŠĪ āŠ•āŠ°āŠĩાāŠŪાં āŠ†āŠĩી āŠ›ે āŠĪે āŠ°āŠœુāŠ†āŠĪ āŠĶેāŠ–ીāŠĪી āŠ°ીāŠĪે āŠ—ેāŠ°āŠŪાāŠ°્āŠ—ે āŠĶોāŠ°āŠĻાāŠ°ી āŠ›ે āŠ…āŠĻે āŠ…āŠ—āŠŪ્āŠŊ āŠ•ાāŠ°āŠĢોāŠļāŠ° āŠ•ોāŠˆ āŠĪ્āŠ°ાāŠđિāŠĪ āŠĩ્āŠŊāŠ•્āŠĪિāŠĻા āŠŽāŠĶāŠˆāŠ°ાāŠĶાāŠĻે āŠļીāŠ§ી āŠ°ીāŠĪે āŠŪāŠĶāŠĶāŠ°ૂāŠŠ āŠ•āŠ°āŠĻાāŠ°ી āŠŦāŠēિāŠĪ āŠĨાāŠŊ āŠ›ે

Ans :  The Representation made by you in above latter are obviously misleading.  And resulted in directly helping third person's bad intentions for unknown reason. 

Translation Task-E Translate in English 

āŠļુāŠ—્āŠ°ીāŠĩāŠĻે āŠļૂāŠšāŠĻા āŠ†āŠŠāŠĪાં āŠĩાāŠĻāŠ°āŠ°ાāŠœ āŠŽોāŠē્āŠŊા, "āŠ­ાāŠˆ, āŠĪું āŠ†āŠœ āŠļ્āŠĨાāŠĻે āŠ•ોāŠŪી āŠ°āŠđેāŠœે āŠ āŠĶુāŠ·્āŠŸāŠĻે āŠļ્āŠĩāŠ§ાāŠŪ āŠŠāŠđોંāŠšાāŠĄી āŠĶāŠˆ, āŠđું āŠđāŠŪāŠĢાં āŠœ āŠŠાāŠ›ો āŠŦāŠ°ે āŠ›ે. āŠŪāŠĻે āŠŠાāŠ›ા āŠŦāŠ°āŠĪાં āŠŠંāŠĶāŠ° āŠĶિāŠĩāŠļ āŠ‰āŠŠāŠ° āŠĩીāŠĪી āŠœાāŠŊ āŠĪો āŠŪાāŠĻી āŠēેāŠœે āŠ•ે āŠ† āŠ°ાāŠ•્āŠ·āŠļ āŠļાāŠĨેāŠĻા āŠļંāŠ—્āŠ°ાāŠŪāŠŪાં āŠ°ાāŠ•્āŠ·āŠļāŠĻા āŠ—āŠē્āŠēે āŠ–āŠĪāŠŪ āŠĨāŠ‡ āŠ—āŠŊો āŠ›ું. āŠŠāŠĢ āŠŠāŠĶāŠ° āŠĶિāŠĩāŠļ āŠļુāŠ§ી āŠĪો āŠ…āŠđીંāŠĨી āŠāŠ• āŠĪāŠļુ āŠŠāŠĢ āŠ˜ોāŠŠાāŠ›ો āŠĻ āŠĨāŠĪો

Ans : Instructing Sugriva, monkey King said , "Brother just stay here let the evil one go to savdham. I have just returned. If i will take a more time then two week then you considered  I lost both bettel and my life. Main while in those days don't move even a bit.

This was a good experience to me. Word to word we understood and arranged words and translate sentence.

Q : 3 Learning outcomes from workshop 

We learnt many things in this workshop. Vishal sir told that when he was fall in love with translation Studies. 

1 Luck of playfulness in machine translation. 

2  Community across linguistics zones

3. Translation are explolar 

4. Intertextuality

5. Use of visual 

One texts reference comes in another text it's called intertextuality. 

👉Why everyone should fall for translation. 

  • Translated is closet reading of the text. - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 
  • Translation is an epistemological  exercise. 
  • Embanced analytical skills.
  • Science of knowledge 

👉Idea of translation in India 

  • Interpretation 
  • Adaption 
  • Translation 
  • Train- Creation 
  • Retelling
  • āŠ…āŠĻુāŠĩાāŠĶ

👉Myths  Some myths about translation.

1 Untranslatability

  • What is untranslatable for me is not Untranslatable for other
  • What is Untranslatable now is not Untranslatable forever!
2. Translation is a small industry 
3. Most Translator Translate Books
Some of the largest, segments of the translation market are manufacturing, and financial services. 
4.Machine Translation is crushing the demand for human translation .
5. Translation is either beautiful or faithful. 

👉 Some tips as Professional Translator 

  • Translate all kinds documents( legal, Religious, Journalistic , Literature, Technical docs).
  • Never translate without dictnever 
  • Never bluff
  • Read- Re- Read after you translate. 
  • Strat with your favorite genre.
  • Read variety of books in English (fiction or non- fiction) from different authors.
  • Mix all the methods of translation you know. 

 In this workshop on Translation Studies by Vishal Bhadani sir.  We have learned lots many things. Workshop such helpful for us.

Thank you...

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